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henry henry
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9 years ago
Kelly is a registered nurse who is employed by a county public health agency. One of her responsibilities within the agency is coordinating the lead poisoning prevention program. She recently initiated a door-to-door screening program in a high-risk area of the county. She also has started providing countywide education about lead poisoning prevention.

During the past several months she has seen an increase in the number of new cases of lead poisoning that have been reported. This may be related to the new initiatives she has implemented in the county. However, she decides that it would be beneficial to organize a task force to examine the increasing incidence of lead poisoning and develop interventions that could be used to decrease this problem.

1.What intervention did Kelly perform that best exemplifies secondary prevention?
Organizing a task force to look at the lead poisoning problem in the county
Initiating a door-to-door lead screening program
Providing countywide education about lead poisoning prevention
Discovering an increase in the number of new lead poisoning cases
2.What is the focus area of Kelly's nursing practice?

Public health nursing
Community health nursing
Community-based nursing
Both A and B
3.Organizing a task force to look at the problem of lead poisoning within the county is an example of which public health intervention?
Coalition building
Health teaching
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9 years ago Edited: 9 years ago, celosia23
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