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BethElis BethElis
Posts: 677
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6 years ago
How did NASA's responses to the Challenger and Columbia accidents differ?
  What will be an ideal response?
Read 161 times
2 Replies

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6 years ago
NASA learned a lot from its mistakes during the Challenger disaster. Its failure to immediately
communicate with key stakeholders brought it criticism in 1986. That mistake was not repeated at
the time of the Columbia accident in 2003. By doing a better job of handling public communications
immediately after the accident, NASA officials were allowed to conduct their own investigation of
the Columbia accident. That's a lot different from 17 years earlier, when a loss of credibility created
by poor communication caused the White House to turn the Challenger investigation over to an
independent board.
3 years ago
Those disasters were huge and it took the US more almost 10 years to take back to space flights. But they are producing their own rockets and now can refuse from using old Soviet Soyuz. Nowadays almost all countries are making their contribution to the space industry, The UK, for example, makes satellites and different kinds of launch vehicles for the payload control system.
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