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maggotti36569 maggotti36569
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6 years ago
How is the theme of a play, such as The Bald Soprano, reflected in its dramatic structure?
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6 years ago
The Bald Soprano by Eugene Ionesco has a circular structure, which reflects the theme of the meaninglessness of futility of human efforts. The play presents characters engaged in empty conversation and activities and routines of daily life. The scenes do not move in any kind of logical progression, and the play culminates with the four main characters exchanging nonsensical and familiar phrases, suggesting that language and the ability to communicate have broken down. At the end of the play, the opening lines are repeated by the Smiths' friends, Mr. and Mrs. Martin, who have taken the couple's place, implying that the characters, their words, and their lives are interchangeable, and the whole series of events just witnessed could proceed again, and is proceeding again and again everywhere.
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