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ShaeShae ShaeShae
Posts: 4
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9 years ago
1) Which sequence lists in correct order the components of a simple reflex arc from "stimulus" to "response"?
A) Effector, sensory neuron, central nervous system, motor neuron, receptor

B) Receptor, effector, central nervous system, sensory neuron, motor neuron

C) Receptor, sensory neuron, central nervous system, motor neuron, effector

D) Receptor, motor neuron, central nervous system, sensory neuron, effector

2) The processes labelled 1 and 2 in the diagram above represent
A) exocytosis and attachment to cholinesterase

B) exocytosis and attachment to a dendrite

C) endocytosis and attachment to an axon

D) endocytosis andd attachment to cholinesterase

3) Which division of the nervous system prepares the body for vigorous physical activity?
A) Sympathetic nervous system
B) Parasympathetic nervous system
C) Central nervous system

D) Peripheral nervous system

4) Ataxia is a condition characterized by an inability to co-ordinate the speed, force, and direction of muscle movement. The person may reach for an object and miss it by placing the hand too far to the left or right, and then he or she may attempt to compensate by moving the hand in the wrong direction. A person suffering from ataxia probably has damage to the
A) Cerebellum

B) Hypothalamus

C) Medulla oblongata

D) Parasympathetic nerves

6) The usual direction of nerve impulse transmission in a neuron is from
A) Dendrite to axon to cell body

B) Dendrite to cell body to axon

C) Axon to myelin sheath to cell body

D) Axon to cell body to dendrite

7) The sympathetic nervous system is likely most active while a person is
A) Running a race
B) Digesting a meal

C) Recovering from an illness

D) Sleeping in the afternoon

8) One function of adrenaline is to regulate the conversion of
A) Glycogen into glucose

B) Glucose into glycogen

C) Amino acids to urea and fat

D) Fatty acids and glycerol to fats

Please help I am struggling and really need the answers! Thank you!

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3 Replies

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9 years ago
1) C
2) i dont know what your diagrams look like
ShaeShae Author
9 years ago
Thank you, you are a life saver !!
9 years ago
1: C
2: (need diagram)
3: A
4: A
6: B
7: A
8: A
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