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mark1532 mark1532
14 years ago
____1.  Which of the following is not a descriptive of any fungi?
a.    Saprophytic   b.  decomposer   c. parasitic   d.  autotrophic   e.  heterotrophic

____2.  Most true fungi send out cellular individual filaments known as:_____________.
a.    Mycelia   b.  Hyphae   c.  Mycrorrhiza   d.  Stolons   e.  Rhizoids

____3.  Which of the following is NOT true of the Chytrids and Microsporidians?
      a.   They belong to the most ancient lineages of fungi.
      b.   They are all intracellular parasites, parasitize insects
      c.   They form non-flagellated spores.
      d.   They reflect the origin of the fungi in aquatic habitats.
      e.    They are responsible for the death of many tropical frogs   

____4.  Which organism produces a gamatangia?
      a.   Basidiomycota   b.  Ascomycota   c. Zygomycota   d.  Chytridomycota e. Deuteromycota

____5.  Species of _____ infect crop plants such as potatoes and forest trees such as oak.
a.   dinoflagellates   b.  foraminiferans   c.  yeasts   d.  water molds   e.  prions   

____6.  Edible commercial mushrooms are found in which of the following Phylum?
      a.   Ascomycota      c.  Basidiomycota     e.  imperfect fungi
      b.  Chytridiomycota                d.  Zygomycota

____7.  The Sac fungi are members of the
      a.   Ascomycota.     b.  Basidiomycota.     c.  Zygomycota.      d.  Chytridiomycota.   

____8. Mycorrhizae are
      a.   the small roots in the root systems of trees.
      b.   endosymbiotic bacteria associated with plant roots.
      c.   fungus and tree root mutualistic associations.
      d.   parasitic fungal infections of tree roots.
      e.   endosymbiotic fungal cells associated with leaves.
____9.  Four of the five choices listed below are terms used in describing fungi. Select the exception.
      a.   hyphae   b.  peptidoglycan   c.  dikaryotic stage   d.  spore     e.  mycelium

____10.  Four of the five choices listed below can be used in describing aspects of fungal reproduction. Select the exception.
      a.   spores      b.  pollen   c.  dikaryotic      d.  gametangia            e.   asci

____11.  Four of the five structures listed below can be used to describe fungal reproductive structures. Select the exception.
      a.   asci   b.  gametes   c.  basidia   d.  conidia             e.   spores

____12.  Three of the four structures listed below refer to the types of reproductive structures.  Select the exception.
      a.  sporangia      b.  mushroom      c.  conidia   d. mycelium     e.  gametangia

____13.  Why is it challenging to treat fungal infections of the human body?
a.    Human and fungal cells share common characteristics
b.   Fungal cells share no features in common with humans cells
c.   All fungal cells are highly resistant to drug treatments
d.   Fungal infections are not found in humans.

____14. Lichens are symbiotic relationships established between
      a.   a club fungus and a brown alga.             c. a fungi and a bread mold.
      b.   a sac fungus and a cyanobacterium or green algae.    d. a fungi and red algae.   

_____15.  The fungi which produces the most plant diseases is:
a.   Basidiomycota   b.  Ascomycota     c.  Oomycota   d.  All of them   e.  None of them   

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14 years ago
____1.  Which of the following is not a descriptive of any fungi?
a.    Saprophytic   b.  decomposer   c. parasitic   d.  autotrophic   e.  heterotrophic

____2.  Most true fungi send out cellular individual filaments known as:_____________.
a.    Mycelia   b.  Hyphae   c.  Mycrorrhiza   d.  Stolons   e.  Rhizoids

____6.  Edible commercial mushrooms are found in which of the following Phylum?
      a.   Ascomycota      c.  Basidiomycota     e.  imperfect fungi
      b.  Chytridiomycota                d.  Zygomycota

____7.  The Sac fungi are members of the
      a.   Ascomycota.     b.  Basidiomycota.     c.  Zygomycota.      d.  Chytridiomycota.   

____8. Mycorrhizae are
      a.   the small roots in the root systems of trees.
      b.   endosymbiotic bacteria associated with plant roots.
      c.   fungus and tree root mutualistic associations.
      d.   parasitic fungal infections of tree roots.
      e.   endosymbiotic fungal cells associated with leaves.
____9.  Four of the five choices listed below are terms used in describing fungi. Select the exception.
      a.   hyphae   b.  peptidoglycan   c.  dikaryotic stage   d.  spore     e.  mycelium

____11.  Four of the five structures listed below can be used to describe fungal reproductive structures. Select the exception.
      a.   asci   b.  gametes   c.  basidia   d.  conidia    e.   spores

____12.  Three of the four structures listed below refer to the types of reproductive structures.  Select the exception.
      a.  sporangia      b.  mushroom      c.  conidia   d. mycelium     e.  gametangia

____13.  Why is it challenging to treat fungal infections of the human body?
a.    Human and fungal cells share common characteristics
b.   Fungal cells share no features in common with humans cells
c.   All fungal cells are highly resistant to drug treatments
d.   Fungal infections are not found in humans.

____14. Lichens are symbiotic relationships established between
      a.   a club fungus and a brown alga.             c. a fungi and a bread mold.
      b.   a sac fungus and a cyanobacterium or green algae.    d. a fungi and red algae.   
~Live well, laugh often, and love with all of your heart!~
mark1532 Author
14 years ago
thanks keep helping.............oh bio book is sylvia mader 10th edition Slight Smile
Valued Member
14 years ago
3.  Which of the following is NOT true of the Chytrids and Microsporidians?
      a.   They belong to the most ancient lineages of fungi.
      b.   They are all intracellular parasites, parasitize insects
      c.   They form non-flagellated spores.
      d.   They reflect the origin of the fungi in aquatic habitats.
      e.    They are responsible for the death of many tropical frogs   
Valued Member
14 years ago Edited: 14 years ago, star
____5.  Species of _____ infect crop plants such as potatoes and forest trees such as oak.
a.   dinoflagellates   b.  foraminiferans  c.  yeasts   d.  water molds   e.  prions  
Valued Member
14 years ago
____9.  Four of the five choices listed below are terms used in describing fungi. Select the exception.
      a.   hyphae   b.  peptidoglycan   c.  dikaryotic stage   d.  spore     e.  mycelium

____10.  Four of the five choices listed below can be used in describing aspects of fungal reproduction. Select the exception.
      a.   spores      b.  pollen   c.  dikaryotic      d.  gametangia            e.   asci
Valued Member
14 years ago
_____15.  The fungi which produces the most plant diseases is:
a.   Basidiomycota   b.  Ascomycota     c.  Oomycota   d.  All of them   e.  None of them   

Not 100% sure though.
mark1532 Author
14 years ago
thnks alot guys Slight Smile............u guys are the best!! Smiling Face with Open Mouth
Valued Member
14 years ago
ur welcome
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