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gk.forest gk.forest
Posts: 578
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6 years ago
Describe the paper trail involved in the fill process.
  What will be an ideal response?

Lambic is a very distinctive style of German beer that relies on wild yeast for fermentation.
  a. true
 b. false

Barley wines are a beer style that:
  a. is brewed from grains and not grapes
 b. resembles wine in terms of their high levels of alcohol
 c. uses large amounts of malt
  d. All of the above

Describe how the bank works in a casino.
  What will be an ideal response?

Keno, Race and Sportsbook, and Bingo games do not keep overt
   records of bets made.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Abbey beers are made in commercial breweries around the worldintended to emulate the styles of the classic:
  a. Trappist beers of Belgium
 b. German beers of Dusseldorf
 c. English and British
  d. None of the above

Which of the following is NOT a derivative of a Stout Ale?
  a. Oatmeal
 b. Imperial
 c. IPA
  d. Milk or sweet

Using TITO technology, a casino employee still must fill out a
   fill slip and jackpot form.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Which of the following is an example of Ale?
  a. Bock
 b. Malt Liquor
 c. Steam Beer
  d. Bitter

Which of the following is an example of Lager?
  a. Porter
 b. Stout
 c. Bock
  d. Lambic
The Beverage Manager's Guide to Wines, Beers, and Spirits

The Beverage Manager's Guide to Wines, Beers, and Spirits

Edition: 4th
Read 34 times
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6 years ago
The supervisor walks over to the pit computer, inputs his/her access code, and then requests a fill. He/She notes the table number, pit number, amount of each denomination of chips, and their name. The cage receives the request and fills the order. They gather the chips based on the pit supervisor's breakdown of denominations. Once they have assembled the chips, they complete their portion of the form. They note the dollar amount of each denomination and the person completing the fill.

The cage then requests a security officer to report to the fill window of the cage. The security officer counts down the chips and verifies that the quantity matches the amount on the fill form in front of the cage and pit supervisor. He/She signs for the fill and the cage keeps their copy of the fill form. The security officer then takes the fill slip and chips to the requesting pit. The security officer will be accompanied to the table needing the fill by the pit supervisor. The security officer stands to the side until the dealer reaches a stopping point. After clearing his/her hands, the dealer will take the fill form and chips. He/She will verify that the actual quantity of chips matches the quantity listed on the fill form. The dealer signs the fill form and drops it into the drop box. The pit supervisor and security officer watch this process to be sure all the chips are placed in the rack and the fill form is dropped. Once the fill form is dropped, the dealer resumes dealing. .

With the signatures and initials on the documentation, management knows exactly who gave the chips to whom. The responsibility for the chips can be traced from start to finish. They also have the date, time, pit numbers, table numbers, and other relevant information to help solve the mystery. In addition, they can call on the surveillance department to review tapes of the chip countdowns to be sure the amount of chips transferred matches the amount noted on the fill slips. The effect of the detailed paper trail is to discourage all but the boldest employees from stealing. In essence, this like all controls keeps honest people honest.


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Typically, the bank is contained in a metal or plastic tray with compartments for each denomination of currency and coins. The cashier cage stocks each bank with the designated amount for each denomination. The cage employee notes the dollar amount of each denomination and signs the form. Then, a supervisor also counts down the bank and signs the form to make sure that the amount on the form matches the amount physically in the bank. When the employee comes to pick up the bank, he/she also counts down the bank and signs the form. Their signature signifies that they are verifying that the contents match the amount on the form and they are accepting responsibility for the bank which transfers accountability of the bank to the employee.

At the end of the shift, the employee returns the bank to the cashier cage. Any cash or credit card receipts that exceed the original bank amount are deposited separately from the bank. This represents the sales or revenues that the employee generated while on duty. A separate form documents this exchange of cash and cash equivalents. It not only shows the breakdown of cash and credit card receipts, but it shows the dollar amount of each revenue category.

The bank itself is also returned to the cashier cage with the same total amount of cash that was issued although the amounts of each denomination may be different. The new amounts are counted and noted on a new form. The employee signs the form. Then the cashier cage employee counts down the bank and verifies the amount of each denomination. Once they are in agreement, the cashier cage employee signs the form and accepts responsibility for the funds.

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