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SpacySmol SpacySmol
Posts: 703
Rep: 1 0
6 years ago
Several options have been proposed to keep the Social Security program strong and solvent. Which is NOT one of these options?
  a. Raise the retirement age at which benefits could be received.
  b. Increase the tax rate above the current percentage.
  c. Change Social Security to serve only those who are poor or low income.
  d. Eliminate the progressive cap so that all income is taxed.

According to the text, climate change _______.
  a. is likely to begin in the next decade if fossil fuels are not reduced
  b. is unlikely to occur other than small natural fluctuations in the earth's
  c. is happening now
  d. is uncertain, but possible in the future

How do Americans feel about Social Security?
  a. Most Americans see it as a form of welfare.
  b. Most Americans believe that the program is too expensive and should be eliminated by 2030.
  c. Americans wonder how it can remain solvent over the next few decades as the baby boomers retire.
  d. Americans are very confident that the program will continue to provide benefits of at least equal value to those today.

Through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Actoften known as the stimulus package of legislation during the Obama Administration, _______ was included for the generation of renewable energy sources, expanding manufacturing capacity for
  clean energy technology, and advancing vehicle and fuel technologies. a. 600 million
  b. 2 billion
  c. 16 billion
  d. 80 billion

You have just been hired by an interactional aid organization to work on the issue of hunger and malnutrition in the developing world. Of the solutions presented below, which would do the most to help reduce hunger and malnutrition?
  a. Ask the United Nations to distribute their food aid to rural as well as urban areas.
  b. Encourage Americans and others in the developed world to eat less meat.
  c. Encourage Americans and others in the developed world to ship livestock to the
  developing world.
  d. Teach people in the developing world to grow more produce.

Elliott earned 118,500 in 2015; therefore, he paid 6.2 percent of his income or 7,347 in Social Security taxes. Meanwhile, Tomas earned twice that amount, or 237,000, but paid 6.
  2 percent only on the first 118,500 he earned, so he also paid 7,347 . The rest of Tomas' income is free of Social Security tax. Thus, Elliott paid 6.2 percent of his total income in Social Security tax while Tomas paid only 3.1 percent. This illustrates that the Social Security tax is _______. a. regressive
   b. progressive
   c. exceptional
   d. submissive

According to the text's discussion of the United States and the world environment, __________.
  a. Americans consume, on the average, four times as much food per person as
   people in poor nations
  b. there is not that much difference in living standards between the United States and most other countries
  c. most Americans eat a much larger proportion of grain than meat in their diets
  d. energy resources and consumption are equally distributed throughout the world

The Social Security system was not designed to be the main source of income for the elderly. It was originally designed __________.
  a. as a public welfare program
  b. to help single mothers financially care for their children
  c. as an educational program to help those who had lost their jobs retrain themselves for a different type of employment
  d. a form of insurance against unexpected reductions in income due to retirement,
   disability, or death of a spouse

The American-owned company, Union Carbide, built a large plant in India where environmental regulations are far more lax than in the United States. The chemicals at the plant leaked, killing and seriously injuring many thousands of people.
  This example reveals that __________. a. the United Nations and World Bank should not be involved in environmental
  issues in developing countries
  b. the United States and other affluent nations can use their resources to encourage
   sustainable farming and energy practices
  c. the United States and other affluent nations can use their resources to help control
  the growth of the world's population
  d. the United States often exports technologies that can contribute to the environmental problems of poor nations

Bhavi is entering the Hospice program, which exemplifies _______.
  a. the sandwich generation
  b. the role of informal care
  c. Medicare fraud
  d. death with dignity
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