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mkshawty mkshawty
Posts: 174
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12 years ago

Response to stimulus without the central nervous system (CNS) differs from a response initiated by a reflect because the former

A undergoes depolarization
B has greater speed
C includes interpretation of information
D does no release acetylcholine

Botulism is a serious form of food poisoning. It results when a substance called botulinus toxin, produced by bacteria prevents the released of acetylcholine of motor nerve fibres. The effect is

A contracting of all skeletal muscles, resulting in paralysis
B the inability of ATP to be released
C a decrease in PH due to build up of lactic acid
D the failure of muscles to be stimulated

The all or non principle of nerve action refers to the conditions in which

A a stimulus activated every nerve in the body or none of the nerves at all
B all stimuli reaching nerve cells activate them, no stimulus goes unheeded
C a stimulus depolarizes all the neuron in a nerve or no neurons at all
D a stimulus activates a nerve cell to function to capacity of not to function at all

A curious child touches the outside of a barbecue grill containing red hot coals. Before he was even aware of what happen  he jerked his hand away a second or two later he felt pain and began to cry

A motor neurons, effectors, sensory neurons, interneuron’s
B motor neurons, interneuron’s, effectors, sensory neurons
C sensory neurons, motor neurons, interneuron’s, effectors
D sensory neurons, interneuron’s, motor neurons, effectors

Which neurons function is most likely affected by isopropyl fluorophosphates?

A myelin formation
B synaptic transmission
C protein synthesis
D activate transport

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