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SpacySmol SpacySmol
Posts: 703
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6 years ago
Ulcers are:
  A. most common in the gastric mucosa.
  B. always caused by hypersecretion of gastric acid.
  C. treated by interventions that inhibit acid secretion.
  D. caused by removal of the gallbladder.
  E. most common in the large intestine.

(Question 2) Which of the following is NOT true about gallstones?
  A. They cause lactose intolerance.
  B. They cause pain.
  C. They cause impaired fat digestion.
  D. They cause general nutritional deficiencies.
  E. They cause jaundice.

(Question 3) Which of the following statements regarding protein digestion and absorption is TRUE?
  A. Cells in the stomach secrete enterokinase, which breaks down proteins into smaller peptides.
  B. Pepsin and trypsin are proteolytic enzymes that are most active in an acid pH.
  C. More acid is secreted during the digestion of a high-protein meal than during the digestion of a meal containing little protein.
  D. The presence of peptides in the stomach inhibits secretion of gastrin.
  E. Proteins are too large to pass through the pyloric sphincter into the small intestine.

(Question 4) Bile is synthesized and secreted by the:
  A. gallbladder.
  B. gastric mucosa.
  C. pancreas.
  D. duodenum.
  E. liver.

(Question 5) In which region(s) of the GI tract do peristaltic contractions occur?
  A. the small intestine
  B. the large intestine
  C. the stomach
  D. the esophagus
  E. All of these options are correct.

(Question 6) A person without a gallbladder:
  A. cannot secrete bile.
  B. cannot store bile.
  C. will have no difficulty digesting a large, fat-rich meal.
  D. cannot digest fats.
  E. cannot store lipase.

(Question 7) Bile pigments:
  A. are important for fat digestion.
  B. are formed from catabolism of the globin part of hemoglobin.
  C. impart color to the bile, feces, and urine.
  D. are amphipathic molecules that emulsify fats.
  E. are completely reabsorbed in the distal ileum.

(Question 8) Bicarbonate is:
  A. secreted into the lumen by gastric epithelial cells and into the interstitial fluid by pancreatic duct cells.
  B. secreted into the lumen by pancreatic acinar (exocrine) cells, and into the interstitium by pancreatic duct cells.
  C. secreted into the lumen by pancreatic duct cells, and into the interstitium by pancreatic acinar (exocrine) cells.
  D. secreted into the interstitial fluid by gastric epithelial cells, and into the lumen by pancreatic duct cells.
  E. secreted into the lumen by both gastric epithelial cells and pancreatic duct cells.

(Question 9) Which of the following is NOT secreted by the exocrine pancreas?
  A. bicarbonate ions
  B. amylase
  C. bile salts
  D. trypsinogen
  E. lipase

(Question 10) Which of the following statements about pancreatic enzymes is FALSE?
  A. Trypsinogen is secreted in an inactive form.
  B. Pancreatic amylase digests carbohydrates.
  C. Pancreatic lipase digests fats.
  D. Except for trypsinogen, other proteolytic enzymes are secreted in active form.
  E. Trypsinogen is activated by enterokinase.
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6 years ago
1) C

- - -

2) A

- - -

3) C

- - -

4) E

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5) E

- - -

6) B

- - -

7) C

- - -

8) D

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9) C

- - -

10) D
SpacySmol Author
6 years ago
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