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Irelandgb Irelandgb
Posts: 665
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6 years ago
The diabetic patient faced amputation of his toes due to long-delayed wound healing in his foot. Which characteristic of his diabetic condition caused his medical crisis?
  A) Insulin reactions
  B) Increase in his blood flow
  C) High blood sugar
  D) Decrease in his white blood cell activity

(Question 2) A grandmother kissed the scraped knee of her grandchild. It develops nature's bandage, she told the child. Which skin feature is she referring to?
  A) Pigment B) Scab C) Inflammation D) Blood clot

(Question 3) ________ are highly contagious and sexually transmitted.
  A) Plantar warts B) Common warts
  C) Genital warts D) None of the above

(Question 4) Chicken pox is caused by the ________ virus.
  A) Herpes varicella B) Herpes zoster
  C) Herpes simplex type 1 D) Herpes simplex type 2

(Question 5) Individuals with a malfunctioning adrenal gland may have what color of skin?
  A) Blue B) Yellow C) Red D) Bronze

(Question 6) Fever blisters or cold sores are caused by the ________ virus.
  A) Herpes varicella B) Herpes zoster
  C) Herpes simplex type 1 D) Herpes simplex type 2

(Question 7) The rule of nines is used to ________.
  A) Determine the depth of burns
  B) Determine the color of burns
  C) Determine the body surface area burned
  D) Both A and B

(Question 8) Burns that are characterized by blisters, severe pain, and swelling are classified as ________.
  A) First-degree burns B) Second-degree burns
  C) Third-degree burns D) Fourth-degree burns

(Question 9) The treatment of cellulitis includes ________.
  A) Antibiotics B) Antifungal medications
  C) Incision and drainage D) All of the above

(Question 10) The layer of epithelial tissue under the fingernail, actually part of the epidermis, is called ________.
  A) The cuticle B) The nail bed C) The lunula D) The nail body
Read 101 times
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6 years ago
1) D

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2) B

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3) C

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4) A

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5) D

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6) C

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7) C

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8) B

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9) A

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10) B
Irelandgb Author
6 years ago
I wish all teachers could be as helpful as you instead of making us do things the complicated way...
6 years ago
It really depends on the course, never give up
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