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hobbydog25 hobbydog25
Posts: 602
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6 years ago
The lingual tonsils are located at the base of the ____.
 A)pharynx, on the anterior surface
 B)tongue, on the anterior surface
 C)pharynx, on the posterior surface
 D)tongue, on the posterior surface

(Q. 2) The parotid glands are located ____.
 A)on the left side of the face
 B)on both sides of the neck
 C)under the tongue
 D)in front of each ear

(Q. 3) Dr. Smith records that he performed a pyloroplasty. In which of the following sites was the procedure performed?
 B)Small intestine
 C)Roof of the mouth

(Q. 4) A physician records the following: A diagnostic biliary endoscope was placed to view and to remove a calculi found in the biliary tract. Two codes would be used to code this procedure appropriately: one code for the diagnostic biliary endoscopy and one code for the endoscopic removal of the calculi.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

(Q. 5) Enterotomy is the process of making an incision into the intestines.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

(Q. 6) The transverse colon is in a vertical position in the abdomen.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

(Q. 7) A gastrectomy is the process of making a surgical incision into the stomach.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

(Q. 8) Dilation of the esophagus occurs when the esophagus is expanded by use of a balloon or dilator.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

(Q. 9) A biopsy of the lip is a type of cheiloplasty.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

(Q. 10) The roof of the mouth is known as the palate.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false
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6 years ago
1)  D

2)  D

3)  B


5)  TRUE



8)  TRUE


10)  TRUE
hobbydog25 Author
6 years ago
Thank you for being such a great leader
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