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Samantha1124 Samantha1124
Posts: 679
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6 years ago
Choose the statement about the cochlear implant that is NOT true.
  a. The cochlear implant is appropriate for profoundly deaf children with sensorineural hearing loss.
  b. Implants restore hearing to the individual who is deaf.
  c. The cochlear implant is controversial within the Deaf community.
  d. Children with cochlear implants surpass children who wear conventional hearing aids in speech perception, speech production, and speech intelligibility.

[Ques. 2] When teachers and parents are deciding whether a child with a hearing loss should be placed in an inclusive general education classroom, which of the following factors should NOT be considered?
  a. Type and degree of hearing loss
  b. Academic achievement level or ability
  c. Communication skill
  d. Personal or social adjustment

[Ques. 3] Advocates of Total Communication believe that
  a. ASL is the most appropriate method for teaching communication skills.
  b. the cued speech system should be used to teach communication skills.
  c. oral communication should be used almost exclusively.
  d. teachers should use the communication system that is best suited to the child.

[Ques. 4] Which statement about American Sign Language is correct?
  a. It has been called the native language of many deaf adults.
  b. It is based on the same vocabulary and grammar as English.
  c. It is the primary sign language system used in educational settings.
  d. It is based largely on fingerspelling.

[Ques. 5] Which statement about the manual method of communication is correct?
  a. It was originated by Gallaudet.
  b. It consists of fingerspelling and signs for whole words.
  c. It always follows the grammatical structure of the corresponding spoken language.
  d. It was first formalized in the early 1900s in America.

[Ques. 6] School achievement of students who are deaf tends to lag behind those with normal hearing because students who are deaf
  a. tend to have multiple physical disabilities.
  b. usually have below-average cognitive functioning.
  c. have difficulty mastering the English language.
  d. usually learn to read before they learn to speak.

[Ques. 7] The instructional approach that rests on the belief that children with hearing loss can learn to talk is called the
  a. manual method.
  b. oral communication approach.
  c. residual enhancement method.
  d. auditory method.

[Ques. 8] Disagreement among educators of children who are deaf or hard of hearing centers on
  a. the importance of early diagnosis.
  b. whether amplification should be used.
  c. whether interventions should be used with these children.
  d. how these children should be taught to communicate.

[Ques. 9] Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics shared by members of the Deaf community?
  a. The desire to associate with other deaf people with whom they share values and experiences, known as attitudinal deafness.
  b. The use of speech as a method of communicating with the widest range of people.
  c. Similar life experiences in relation to the hearing world that set them apart as a culture.
  d. The bond that develops between deaf people as a result of shared experiences.

[Ques. 10] Which statement about research on the social and emotional adjustment of deaf students is correct?
  a. Research historically has been based on a deviance model.
  b. Research indicates that they are able to fulfill the basic human need for communication in a variety of ways other than oral language.
  c. Research has demonstrated that students with hearing loss tend to be more reflective thinkers than hearing students.
  d. Research shows that they do well on IQ tests that measure verbal skills.
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6 years ago
1)  b

2)  a

3)  d

4)  a

5)  b

6)  c

7)  b

8)  d

9)  b

10)  a
Samantha1124 Author
6 years ago
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