Adverse events during which period of life often account for the most severe developmental outcomes?
a. Prenatal
b. Perinatal
c. Postnatal
d. Preconceptional
[Ques. 2] The perinatal period of life ranges from
a. the 20
th week of pregnancy to birth.
b. the 12
th week of pregnancy to the 28
th day of life.
c. the 12
th week of life to birth.
d. conception to the last trimester of pregnancy.
[Ques. 3] Which of the following is
not one of the categories of biological risk?
a. Postnatal
b. Prenatal
c. Perinatal
d. Preconceptional
[Ques. 4] Which of the following statements about risk is NOT true?
a. Certain clusters of risk factors make it more likely that developmental problems will occur.
b. Risk factors guarantee developmental problems.
c. Environment can influence the impact of risk factors.
d. Cultural conditions and caregiver attention can influence the impact of risk factors.
[Ques. 5] Which of the following is
not considered to be a biological risk condition?
a. Child abuse
b. Prenatal exposure to drugs
c. Low birthweight
d. Chromosomal abnormalities
[Ques. 6] Which of the following criteria is NOT specifically used to identify 3- to 5-year-olds eligible for early childhood special services?
a. The child demonstrates developmental delays.
b. The childs physical condition carries a high probability of developmental delay.
c. The child comes from a family where two languages are spoken.
d. The child is medically at risk for developmental delay.
[Ques. 7] Describe the key components of the Framework of Support for students with disabilities.
What will be an ideal response?
[Ques. 8] Describe the key components and tiers of the Response to Intervention (RTI) model of assessment and instruction.
What will be an ideal response?
[Ques. 9] Describe the key components and tiers of the Response to Intervention (RTI) model of assessment and instruction.
What will be an ideal response?
[Ques. 10] Discuss the implications of the
No Child Left Behind legislation for students with disabilities.
What will be an ideal response?