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ferry_L ferry_L
Posts: 624
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6 years ago
A stream's load is divided into three components: ______________ load, suspended load, and bed load.
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[Ques. 2] A stream's load is divided into three components: dissolved load, suspended load, and ______________ load.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

[Ques. 3] A loop-like bend in a river channel is called a(n) ______________.
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[Ques. 4] Geologists define a(n) ______________ as any flow of water occurring between well-defined banks.
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[Ques. 5] A depression on the land surface caused by the collapse of a cavern is called a(n)______________.
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[Ques. 6] ______________ is the downslope movement of surface materials as a result of gravity and of the agents that cause such movement.
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[Ques. 7] The most important climatic factors that affect the rate of chemical weathering are heat and ______________.
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[Ques. 8] The most important acid involved in chemical weathering is ______________ acid.
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[Ques. 9] Subsurface soil that remains permanently frozen is called ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

[Ques. 10] The physical disintegration or fracturing of rock is called ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word
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Answer verified by a subject expert
Posts: 341
6 years ago
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ferry_L Author
6 years ago
Just confirmed the same answer from my friend, thanks
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