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keke12345676 keke12345676
Posts: 559
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6 years ago
Laws related to common theft or robbery within a single jurisdiction are found within ________.
  A) federal law enforcement B) state penal codes
  C) the Constitution D) all of the above

(Question #2) Compare democratic and hierarchical systems of accountability.
  What will be an ideal response?

(Question #3) The strength of constitutional law rests in the power of judicial review given to the Supreme Court and the federal judiciary in ________.
  A) Brown v. Board of Education B) Plessy v. Ferguson
  C) Marbury v. Madison D) Mapp v. Ohio

(Question #4) ________ is an alternative dispute resolution system, which is used by some police departments for minor complaints.
  Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

(Question #5) Examples of ________ that can be committed by law enforcement agents include excessive use of force, false arrest and imprisonment, assault and battery, wrongful death, intentional infliction of emotional or mental distress, misuse of legal procedure, invasion of privacy, illegal electronic surveillance, defamation, and malicious prosecution.
  A) negligent wrongs B) torts
  C) punitive damages D) intentional wrongs
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6 years ago
1)  B

2)  Democratic accountability is accountability to the community, while hierarchical accountability is accountability to those structurally higher within the department. An external review board can provide one level of democratic accountability, but it will not eliminate misconduct, brutality, or prejudicial discretion over a group of individuals with the power to use coercive force. This system of accountability can alert police management to potential problems with officers in the force, thus allowing for actions to be taken to deter future misconduct. Internal affairs bureaus can provide hierarchical accountability. Both types of accountability are important and can help to reduce misconduct among officers, and in fact civilian review boards often have less stringent outcomes than IABs.

3)  C

4)  Mediation

5)  D
keke12345676 Author
6 years ago
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