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jlam10 jlam10
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6 years ago
Which theory of delinquency is most effective in understanding school failure? Please explain your reasoning.
  What will be an ideal response?

(Question #2) Explain, in detail, the case of New Jersey v. T.L.O.
  What will be an ideal response?

(Question #3) Identify and discuss the issues of school failure and how it relates to delinquency. Be sure to address why the association between school failure and delinquency is difficult to assess.
  What will be an ideal response?

(Question #4) What can schools do to control bullying in the school system?
  What will be an ideal response?
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6 years ago
1)  Answers may include the following points:
Blocked opportunity theory, strain theory, cultural deviance theory, social control theory, labeling theory, radical criminology, general theory of crime, and interactional theory constitute the various delinquency theories that have examined the relationship between delinquency and the school.

2)  The answer should include the following points:
 Issue examined: In New Jersey v. T.L.O., the U.S. Supreme Court examined whether Fourth
Amendment rights against unreasonable searches and seizures apply to the school setting.
 Facts of the case: On March 7, 1980, a teacher at Piscataway High School in Middlesex County, New Jersey, discovered two adolescent females smoking in a bathroom. He reported this violation of school rules to the principal's office, and the two females were summoned to meet with the assistant vice principal. When one of the females, T.L.O., claimed that she had done no wrong, the assistant principal demanded to see her purse; on examining it, he found a pack of cigarettes and cigarette rolling papers, some marijuana, a pipe, a large amount of money, a list of students who owed T.L.O. money, and letters that implicated her in marijuana dealing. T.L.O. confessed later at the police station to dealing drugs on school grounds.
 The verdict: Juvenile court found T.L.O. delinquent and sentenced her to a year's probation, but she appealed her case to the New Jersey Supreme Court on the grounds that the search of her purse was not justified under the circumstances of the case.
 Supreme Court decision: The significance of this decision is that the Supreme Court opened the door for greater security measures because it gave school officials and the police the right to search students who are suspected of violating school rules.

3)  The answer should include the following points:
 Lack of academic achievement, low social status at school, school failure, and dropping out are factors frequently cited as being related to involvement in delinquency.
 Evidence indicates that both male and female delinquency is associated with poor academic performance.
 Numerous researchers have pointed out that delinquents' lack of achievement in school is related to other factors besides academic skills.
 The relationship between school performance and delinquency is mediated by peer influence.
 A meta-analysis of studies found that children with lower academic performance committed more serious delinquent acts and had a longer offending history than those with higher academic performance.
 Academic performance and delinquency have a spurious relationship.
 Phillips' steps leading to deviant behavior: school status, negative affect toward school, involvement in an anti-school subgroup leads to deviant behavior.

4)  The answer should include the following points:
 Early intervention. Researchers advocate intervening in elementary or middle school or even as early as preschool. Social skills training is highly recommended, as are counseling and systematic aggression interventions for students demonstrating bullying and victim behaviors.
 Parent training. Parents must learn to reinforce their children's positive behavior patterns and must demonstrate appropriate interpersonal interactions.
 Teacher training. Training can help teachers identify and respond to potentially damaging victimization as well as implement positive feedback and modeling to address inappropriate social interactions. Support services personnel who work with administrators can be helpful in designing effective teacher training modules.
 Attitude change. Researchers maintain that society must stop defending bullying behavior as part of growing up or by assuming the attitude that kids will be kids. School personnel should never ignore bullying behaviors.
 Positive school environment. Schools with easily understood rules of conduct, smaller class sizes, and fair discipline practices report less violence and bullying behaviors.
jlam10 Author
6 years ago
Thank you for your assistance, again and again
6 years ago
My pleasure
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