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aac387 aac387
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6 years ago
Why does splashing cold water on the skin stimulate ventilation?
  a. It decreases medullary inspiratory activity causing hyperpnea.
  b. Hering-Breuer inflation reflex.
  c. It increases medullary inspiratory activity causing hyperpnea.
  d. J receptor.

Q. 2  Which of the following can be considered a purpose of the interview the RT performs? 1. To collect diagnostic information 2. To establish a rapport with the patient 3. To identify plans for payment 4. To identify the effect of therapy
  a. 1 and 4 only
  b. 2 and 3 only
  c. 1, 2, and 4 only
  d. 1, 2, 3, and 4

Q. 3  A healthy 33-year-old woman relocates to an area approximately 8000 ft above sea level. On her first day, she begins to hyperventilate, but in 24 hr she shows signs of recovery. What is the probable cause of her condition?
  a. Hypoxemia-mediated hyperventilation
  b. Hypercapnia
  c. Hyperoxia-mediated hyperventilation
  d. Increased H+

Q. 4  A patient in the emergency room is displaying prolong inspiratory gasps interrupted by occasional expirations, what serious injury should be suspected on this patient?
  1. Pneumotaxic center has been severed.
  2. Vagus nerve has been severed.
  3. Glossopharyngeal nerve has been severed.
  a. 2 and 3 only
  b. 1 and 2 only
  c. 1 and 3 only
  d. 1, 2, and 3

Q. 5  In patients with closed-head injuries, what may happen in the presence of hypercapnia?
  a. High CO2 increases the risk of psychotic events.
  b. High CO2 levels cause cerebral vasodila-tion and improved oxygenation.
  c. Severe cerebral vasoconstriction results in anoxia and stroke.
  d. Vasodilation causes increased intracranial pressure and possibly stops blood flow.
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6 years ago
(Answer to Q. 1)  ANS: C
Proprioceptors in muscles, tendons, and joints, as well as pain receptors in muscles and skin, send stimulatory signals to the medullary respiratory center. Such stimuli increase medullary inspirato-ry activity and cause hyperpnea. For this reason, moving the limbs, slapping or splashing cold water on the skin, and other painful stimuli stimulate ventilation in patients with respiratory de-pression.

(Answer to Q. 2)  ANS: C
Interviewing furnishes unique information because it provides the patient's perspective. It serves the following three related purposes: (1) to establish a rapport between clinician and patient, (2) to obtain essential diagnostic information, and (3) to help monitor changes in the patient's symp-toms and response to therapy.

(Answer to Q. 3)  ANS: A
High altitude causes a healthy person's ventilation to increase because low barometric pressure decreases the inspired PO2, and thus the arterial PO2, which in turn raises the sensitivity of pe-ripheral chemoreceptors to H+. The resulting increase in ventilation is less than expected, though, because hyperventilation lowers the PaCO2 and raises arterial pH.

(Answer to Q. 4)  ANS: B
If a situation occurs where the higher pneumotaxic center and vagus nerves were severed, the DRG inspiratory neurons would fail to switch off, causing prolonged inspiratory gasps inter-rupted by occasional expirations (apneustic breathing). Vagal and pneumotaxic center impulses hold the apneustic center's stimulatory effect on DRG neurons in check.

(Answer to Q. 5)  ANS: D
Increased PCO2 dilates cerebral vessels, raising cerebral blood flow, whereas decreased PCO2 constricts cerebral vessels and reduces cerebral blood flow. In patients with traumatic brain inju-ry, the brain swells acutely; this raises the intracranial pressure in the rigid skull to such high lev-els that blood supply to the brain might be cutoff, causing cerebral hypoxia (ischemia). That is, high intracranial pressure may exceed cerebral arterial pressure and stop blood flow.
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