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nevinjoshy2001 nevinjoshy2001
Posts: 481
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6 years ago
What is the function of the very small amount of pleural fluid that is found in the pleural space?
  a. Composes part of anatomic shunt.
  b. Liquid barrier for pathogens.
  c. Part of pulmonary blood flow.
  d. Reduces friction.

Q. 2  To what structures do the parietal pleural membranes adhere?
  a. Fissures
  b. Intrapulmonary bronchi
  c. Lung
  d. Mediastinum

Q. 3  Which of the following is the most important ventilatory function of the scalene muscles?
  a. Activate if intrathoracic pressure falls to 40 cm H2O.
  b. Elevate and fix the first seven ribs.
  c. Lift upper chest particularly during times of high ventilatory demand.
  d. Support the trachea within the thorax during heavy exercise.

Q. 4  As ventilatory muscles, the sternocleidomastoids do which of the following?
  a. They elevate the upper chest, increasing chest anteroposterior diameter.
  b. They elevate the ribs and decrease chest anteroposterior diameter.
  c. They increase lateral chest movement dur-ing inspiration.
  d. They lower the sternum, thus increasing chest anteroposterior diameter.

Q. 5  Which accessory muscles of ventilation work to pull the ribs closer together?
  a. External intercostals
  b. Internal intercostals
  c. Scalenes
  d. Sternocleidomastoids
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6 years ago
(Answer to Q. 1)  ANS: D
The small volume of pleural fluid is spread out over the entire surface of both lungs and functions as a lubricant to reduce friction as the lungs move within the thorax and as an airtight seal that adheres together the two pleural membranes.

(Answer to Q. 2)  ANS: D
The parietal pleural membrane lines the chest wall and mediastinum, while the lungs are covered by the visceral pleura.

(Answer to Q. 3)  ANS: C
Three pairs of scalene muscles (scalenus anterior, scalenus medius, and scalenus posterior) arise from the lower five or six cervical vertebrae and insert on the clavicle and first two ribs (Figure 9-23). They lift the upper chest when active.

(Answer to Q. 4)  ANS: A
The sternocleidomastoid muscles can function to lift the upper chest. They receive nerve impulses from branches of the accessory nerves (cranial nerve XI) and cervical nerves C1 and C2. These muscles are active during forceful inspiration and become visible as thick bands on either side of the neck during the inspiratory phase in an individual who is in respiratory distress. This motion increases the anteroposterior diameter of the chest.

(Answer to Q. 5)  ANS: B
The internal intercostal muscles (Figure 9-22) lie between the ribs and just behind the external intercostal muscles. They originate along the inferior border of the upper ribs and insert into the superior border of the lower ribs. The muscle fibers of the internal intercostal muscles run down-ward and less obliquely than the external intercostal muscle fibers. This orientation causes these muscles to pull the ribs together, which results in compression of the thoracic cavity.
6 years ago
Thank you so much for providing this
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