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heyoplshelp heyoplshelp
Posts: 520
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6 years ago
Some of the following sentences contain pronoun errors. Cross out the incorrect
  pronouns, and write in the correct forms. Some sentences may have more than
  one error. If a sentence has no pronoun errors, write a C for correct in the left
  margin. Apply the rules of formal English usage.
  Everyone in this building has their own reasons for not wanting to move.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 2

Some of the following sentences contain pronoun errors. Cross out the incorrect
  pronouns, and write in the correct forms. Some sentences may have more than
  one error. If a sentence has no pronoun errors, write a C for correct in the left
  margin. Apply the rules of formal English usage.
  How can anyone expect us just to pack up and start new lives for
  ourselfs somewhere else?
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 3

Some of the following sentences contain pronoun errors. Cross out the incorrect
  pronouns, and write in the correct forms. Some sentences may have more than
  one error. If a sentence has no pronoun errors, write a C for correct in the left
  margin. Apply the rules of formal English usage.
  If people don't have a lot of money, you will have a hard time finding
  a new place to live.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 4

Some of the following sentences contain pronoun errors. Cross out the incorrect
  pronouns, and write in the correct forms. Some sentences may have more than
  one error. If a sentence has no pronoun errors, write a C for correct in the left
  margin. Apply the rules of formal English usage.
  Most of the people in this building are senior citizens who's incomes
  are very limited.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 5

Some of the following sentences contain pronoun errors. Cross out the incorrect
  pronouns, and write in the correct forms. Some sentences may have more than
  one error. If a sentence has no pronoun errors, write a C for correct in the left
  margin. Apply the rules of formal English usage.
  A few of the tenants have lived here even longer than us.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 6

Some of the following sentences contain pronoun errors. Cross out the incorrect
  pronouns, and write in the correct forms. Some sentences may have more than
  one error. If a sentence has no pronoun errors, write a C for correct in the left
  margin. Apply the rules of formal English usage.
  I have lived in this apartment for ten years, and my next-door neighbor,
  she has been here for almost twenty years.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 7

Some of the following sentences contain pronoun errors. Cross out the incorrect
  pronouns, and write in the correct forms. Some sentences may have more than
  one error. If a sentence has no pronoun errors, write a C for correct in the left
  margin. Apply the rules of formal English usage.
  Us neighbors are really upset about this plan.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 8

Some of the following sentences contain pronoun errors. Cross out the incorrect
  pronouns, and write in the correct forms. Some sentences may have more than
  one error. If a sentence has no pronoun errors, write a C for correct in the left
  margin. Apply the rules of formal English usage.
  Our local school district is using it's authority to buy this building and
  tear it down to build a new school.
  What will be an ideal response?
Read 40 times
2 Replies

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6 years ago
(Answer to Q. 1)  his or her own reasons

(Answer to Q. 2)  ourselves

(Answer to Q. 3)  they will have

(Answer to Q. 4)  whose

(Answer to Q. 5)  than we

(Answer to Q. 6)  neighbor has lived (no she)

(Answer to Q. 7)  We neighbors

(Answer to Q. 8)  its
heyoplshelp Author
6 years ago
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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