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AlfredDieselGuy AlfredDieselGuy
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6 years ago
One of the major processes that takes place in schools, of course, is that students learn. When they graduate from high school, many can use a computer, write essays with three-part theses, and differentiate equations. In addition to learning specific skills, they also undergo a process of cognitive development wherein their mental skills grow and expand. They learn to think critically, to weigh evidence, to develop independent judgment. The extent to which this development takes place is related to both school and home environments. An impressive set of studies demonstrates that cognitive development during the school years is enhanced by complex and demanding work without close supervision and by high teacher expectations. Teachers and curricula that furnish this setting produce students who have greater intellectual flexibility and higher achievement test scores. They are also more open to new ideas, less authoritarian, and less prone to blind conformity. Unfortunately, the availability of these ideal learning conditions varies by students' social class. Studies show that teachers are most demanding when they are of the same social class as their students. The greater the difference between their own social class and that of their pupils, the more rigidly they structure their classrooms and the fewer demands they place on their students. As a result, students learn less when they come from a social class lower than that of their teacher. The social class gap tends to be largest when youngsters are the most disadvantaged, and this process helps to keep them disadvantaged The author's main purpose in writing the passage is to
  a. persuade the reader of the need for more classroom teachers.
  b. persuade the reader of the importance of carefully selecting teachers andschool curricula. c. discuss specific skills that should be taught to high school students.
 d. explain the nature of critical thinking.

Ques. 2

One of the major processes that takes place in schools, of course, is that students learn. When they graduate from high school, many can use a computer, write essays with three-part theses, and differentiate equations. In addition to learning specific skills, they also undergo a process of cognitive development wherein their mental skills grow and expand. They learn to think critically, to weigh evidence, to develop independent judgment. The extent to which this development takes place is related to both school and home environments. An impressive set of studies demonstrates that cognitive development during the school years is enhanced by complex and demanding work without close supervision and by high teacher expectations. Teachers and curricula that furnish this setting produce students who have greater intellectual flexibility and higher achievement test scores. They are also more open to new ideas, less authoritarian, and less prone to blind conformity. Unfortunately, the availability of these ideal learning conditions varies by students' social class. Studies show that teachers are most demanding when they are of the same social class as their students. The greater the difference between their own social class and that of their pupils, the more rigidly they structure their classrooms and the fewer demands they place on their students. As a result, students learn less when they come from a social class lower than that of their teacher. The social class gap tends to be largest when youngsters are the most disadvantaged, and this process helps to keep them disadvantaged The word cognitive means
  a. social relationships.
  b. lack of awareness.
  c. mental processes.
  d. mathematical.

Ques. 3

One of the major processes that takes place in schools, of course, is that students learn. When they graduate from high school, many can use a computer, write essays with three-part theses, and differentiate equations. In addition to learning specific skills, they also undergo a process of cognitive development wherein their mental skills grow and expand. They learn to think critically, to weigh evidence, to develop independent judgment. The extent to which this development takes place is related to both school and home environments. An impressive set of studies demonstrates that cognitive development during the school years is enhanced by complex and demanding work without close supervision and by high teacher expectations. Teachers and curricula that furnish this setting produce students who have greater intellectual flexibility and higher achievement test scores. They are also more open to new ideas, less authoritarian, and less prone to blind conformity. Unfortunately, the availability of these ideal learning conditions varies by students' social class. Studies show that teachers are most demanding when they are of the same social class as their students. The greater the difference between their own social class and that of their pupils, the more rigidly they structure their classrooms and the fewer demands they place on their students. As a result, students learn less when they come from a social class lower than that of their teacher. The social class gap tends to be largest when youngsters are the most disadvantaged, and this process helps to keep them disadvantaged The author seems biased in favor of
  a. teachers who are less demanding in working with students.
  b. giving students less homework.
  c. discouraging intellectual flexibility in schools.
  d. encouraging students to think critically.

Ques. 4

One of the major processes that takes place in schools, of course, is that students learn. When they graduate from high school, many can use a computer, write essays with three-part theses, and differentiate equations. In addition to learning specific skills, they also undergo a process of cognitive development wherein their mental skills grow and expand. They learn to think critically, to weigh evidence, to develop independent judgment. The extent to which this development takes place is related to both school and home environments. An impressive set of studies demonstrates that cognitive development during the school years is enhanced by complex and demanding work without close supervision and by high teacher expectations. Teachers and curricula that furnish this setting produce students who have greater intellectual flexibility and higher achievement test scores. They are also more open to new ideas, less authoritarian, and less prone to blind conformity. Unfortunately, the availability of these ideal learning conditions varies by students' social class. Studies show that teachers are most demanding when they are of the same social class as their students. The greater the difference between their own social class and that of their pupils, the more rigidly they structure their classrooms and the fewer demands they place on their students. As a result, students learn less when they come from a social class lower than that of their teacher. The social class gap tends to be largest when youngsters are the most disadvantaged, and this process helps to keep them disadvantaged The author probably believes that
  a. teachers often come from a lower social class than their students.
  b. the social class of teachers and students is of little importance.
  c. teachers of the disadvantaged should be familiar with the social class of theirstudents.
 d. teachers should be hired who are from a higher social class than theirstudents.

Ques. 5

One of the major processes that takes place in schools, of course, is that students learn. When they graduate from high school, many can use a computer, write essays with three-part theses, and differentiate equations. In addition to learning specific skills, they also undergo a process of cognitive development wherein their mental skills grow and expand. They learn to think critically, to weigh evidence, to develop independent judgment. The extent to which this development takes place is related to both school and home environments. An impressive set of studies demonstrates that cognitive development during the school years is enhanced by complex and demanding work without close supervision and by high teacher expectations. Teachers and curricula that furnish this setting produce students who have greater intellectual flexibility and higher achievement test scores. They are also more open to new ideas, less authoritarian, and less prone to blind conformity. Unfortunately, the availability of these ideal learning conditions varies by students' social class. Studies show that teachers are most demanding when they are of the same social class as their students. The greater the difference between their own social class and that of their pupils, the more rigidly they structure their classrooms and the fewer demands they place on their students. As a result, students learn less when they come from a social class lower than that of their teacher. The social class gap tends to be largest when youngsters are the most disadvantaged, and this process helps to keep them disadvantaged The main idea of this passage is
  a. disadvantaged youngsters would be best taught by their parents at home.
  b. the school environment greatly influences a student's cognitive development.
  c. ideal learning conditions produce high achievement test scores.
  d. students learn best in a rigid classroom environment.

Ques. 6

Perhaps the most important difference in life chances involves life itself. In 1992, men in the United States could expect to live 72.3 years and women 79.1 years. On the average, then, women live seven years longer than men. Although part of this difference is probably biological, the social contribution to differential life expectancy begins at a very early age and continues through the life course. At high school and college ages, males are nearly three times more likely then females to die. To a significant extent, this difference has to do with the more dangerous lifestyle (particularly drinking and driving) associated with masculinity in our culture. The sex differential in life expectancy is more complex than the greater risk taking of young men, however. Even at the earlier ages just mentioned, men are more likely than women to die of cancer or heart disease. Consider men's disadvantage in heart disease, for example. Evidence suggests that men have this disadvantage not because they experience more stress than women but because, under the same levels of stress, they are more vulnerable to heart disease than women. Current thinking attributes men's greater risk of heart disease at least partly to the male gender role's low emphasis on nurturance and emotional relationships. Where women's personalities and relationship characteristics seem to protect them from this consequence of stress, lack of social support appears to leave men especially vulnerable to stress-related diseases. This suggests that, despite increasing female participation in politics and the labor force, women's life expectancy will continue to remain substantially higher than men's. The sex differential in mortality is likely to decline only when differences in personality and dispositions are reduced On average, how may years longer than men do American women live?
  a. 5 years
  b. 7 years
  c. 2 years
  d. 10 years

Ques. 7

Perhaps the most important difference in life chances involves life itself. In 1992, men in the United States could expect to live 72.3 years and women 79.1 years. On the average, then, women live seven years longer than men. Although part of this difference is probably biological, the social contribution to differential life expectancy begins at a very early age and continues through the life course. At high school and college ages, males are nearly three times more likely then females to die. To a significant extent, this difference has to do with the more dangerous lifestyle (particularly drinking and driving) associated with masculinity in our culture. The sex differential in life expectancy is more complex than the greater risk taking of young men, however. Even at the earlier ages just mentioned, men are more likely than women to die of cancer or heart disease. Consider men's disadvantage in heart disease, for example. Evidence suggests that men have this disadvantage not because they experience more stress than women but because, under the same levels of stress, they are more vulnerable to heart disease than women. Current thinking attributes men's greater risk of heart disease at least partly to the male gender role's low emphasis on nurturance and emotional relationships. Where women's personalities and relationship characteristics seem to protect them from this consequence of stress, lack of social support appears to leave men especially vulnerable to stress-related diseases. This suggests that, despite increasing female participation in politics and the labor force, women's life expectancy will continue to remain substantially higher than men's. The sex differential in mortality is likely to decline only when differences in personality and dispositions are reduced What is the relationship between the last 2 sentences of the passage?
  a. spatial order
  b. cause and effect
  c. comparison
  d. example

Ques. 8

Perhaps the most important difference in life chances involves life itself. In 1992, men in the United States could expect to live 72.3 years and women 79.1 years. On the average, then, women live seven years longer than men. Although part of this difference is probably biological, the social contribution to differential life expectancy begins at a very early age and continues through the life course. At high school and college ages, males are nearly three times more likely then females to die. To a significant extent, this difference has to do with the more dangerous lifestyle (particularly drinking and driving) associated with masculinity in our culture. The sex differential in life expectancy is more complex than the greater risk taking of young men, however. Even at the earlier ages just mentioned, men are more likely than women to die of cancer or heart disease. Consider men's disadvantage in heart disease, for example. Evidence suggests that men have this disadvantage not because they experience more stress than women but because, under the same levels of stress, they are more vulnerable to heart disease than women. Current thinking attributes men's greater risk of heart disease at least partly to the male gender role's low emphasis on nurturance and emotional relationships. Where women's personalities and relationship characteristics seem to protect them from this consequence of stress, lack of social support appears to leave men especially vulnerable to stress-related diseases. This suggests that, despite increasing female participation in politics and the labor force, women's life expectancy will continue to remain substantially higher than men's. The sex differential in mortality is likely to decline only when differences in personality and dispositions are reduced What is the relationship between parts of the following sentence? Where women's personalities and relationship characteristics seem to protect them from this consequence of stress, lack of social support appears to leave men especially vulnerable to stress-related diseases.
  a. example
  b. simple listing
  c. cause and effect
  d. contrast
Read 47 times
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6 years ago
(Answer to Q. 1)  B

(Answer to Q. 2)  C

(Answer to Q. 3)  D

(Answer to Q. 4)  C

(Answer to Q. 5)  B

(Answer to Q. 6)  B

(Answer to Q. 7)  B

(Answer to Q. 8)  D
6 years ago
Appreciate the effort you put into answering, thank you!
6 years ago
You're very welcome
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