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Mansi Mansi
Posts: 529
Rep: 1 0
6 years ago
Erikson calls the setting by adolescents of absolute boundaries in terms of their values and beliefs:
  a. simplicity
  b. identification with parents
  c. totalism
  d. romantic loyalty

Question 2

The most disturbing part of life during adolescence centers on youths':
  a. romantic love
  b. inability to decide on an occupational identity
  c. ability to love many people simultaneously
  d. inability to identify with local customs

Question 3

In Erikson's developmental scheme, the fifth stage of development is called:
  a. young adulthood
  b. adolescence
  c. middle adulthood
  d. late adulthood (old age)

Question 4

According to Erikson, positive crisis resolution in the latency stage leads to a sense of:
  a. initiative
  b. autonomy
  c. ego integrity
  d. industry

Question 5

Research by Kowaz and Marcia showed that highly industrious children:
  a. were less motivated to succeed in school than children low in industriousness
  b. obtained higher grades in school than children low in industriousness
  c. were more competitive than children low in industriousness
  d. had stronger fixations on food than children low in industriousness
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6 years ago
(Answer to Q. 1)  c

(Answer to Q. 2)  b

(Answer to Q. 3)  b

(Answer to Q. 4)  d

(Answer to Q. 5)  b
Mansi Author
6 years ago
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