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ljb99 ljb99
Posts: 310
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6 years ago
On which of the following measures of math ability would you expect to find a gender difference favoring females?
  a. the math portion of the SAT
  b. standardized math tests other than the SAT
  c. a test in trigonometry, in which the items focus on spatial relationships
  d. grades in math classes

Question 2

What can we conclude about studies on gender comparisons in mathematics ability?
  a. No statistically significant gender differences have been found in this area.
  b. Gender differences in mathematics ability probably can be traced to gender differences in brain lateralization.
  c. At present, gender differences in mathematics can probably be explained by either a hormonal or a genetic factor.
  d. Some math tests show gender differences, but there are no large overall gender differences.

Question 3

According to the discussion of gender comparisons in verbal ability, a meta-analysis reported an effect size of 0.11 . From this information, you can conclude that
  a. 11 of the studies reported a significant gender difference.
  b. the effect size is so low that the researchers' expectations must have influenced the results.
  c. most studies reported significant gender differences, although the size of the gender difference was small.
  d. in general, males and females do not differ in their verbal ability.

Question 4

Imagine that you are an eighth-grade teacher who has just administered a standardized test of mathematical achievement. If you compare the scores of the boys and the girls in your class, you are likely to find that the
  a. boys will receive significantly higher scores.
  b. boys and girls will receive fairly similar scores.
  c. girls will do better on math concepts, whereas the boys will do better on math calculations.
  d. scores of the girls will be more variable than the scores of the boys.

Question 5

Which of the following statements most accurately summarizes the findings on gender and reading disability?
  a. When children are classified by the school system, many more boys than girls have reading disabilities; when classified by objective criteria, the gender differences are not as strong.
  b. When children are classified by the school system, there are no gender differences; when classified by objective criteria, more girls than boys have reading disabilities.
  c. Both the school system and objective criteria show that boys are four times as likely as girls to have reading disabilities.
  d. Both the school system and objective criteria now show that more girls than boys have reading disabilities.

Question 6

Suppose that you are discussing the Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT) with some friends. What could you tell them about the fairness of the critical reading portion of that test?
  a. It has no validity in predicting success in college.
  b. Females perform significantly better on the parts that require a good vocabulary, and males perform significantly better on the reading comprehension part.
  c. No substantial gender differences have been found on the critical reading part of the test.
  d. Females' scores have consistently been higher on the critical reading part of the test.

Question 7

According to the discussion of gender comparisons in verbal ability, a meta-analysis reported an effect size of 0.11 . From this information, you can conclude that
  a. 11 of the studies reported a significant gender difference.
  b. the effect size is so low that the researchers' expectations must have influenced the results.
  c. most studies reported significant gender differences, although the size of the gender difference was small.
  d. in general, males and females do not differ in their verbal ability.

Question 8

Chapter 5 discusses a meta-analysis that focused on the available research about gender comparisons in verbal ability. On the basis of that meta-analysis, the authors concluded that
  a. gender similarities now seem to be the norm.
  b. gender differences have previously been small, but they are now increasing.
  c. there had never been any gender differences in this area, and none are found currently.
  d. the largest cognitive gender differences in the area of cognitive ability are in verbal skills.
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6 years ago
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ljb99 Author
6 years ago
Thank you soooo very much, it was really helpful and kind of you to answer my q's
6 years ago
You're welcome, once again
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