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jojo13 jojo13
6 years ago
The dollar return on a foreign investment is less than the interest rate on the foreign asset, if the foreign currency depreciates against the U.S. dollar between the purchase date and the maturity date.
 a. True
  b. False
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false


How is economic value created during transactions between buyers and sellers?


Because of product differentiation, a monopolistically competitive firm:
 a. possesses some degree of market power.
 b. is very similar to a perfectly competitive firm.
  c. faces a perfectly elastic demand curve.
 d. is unaffected by the elasticity of demand.


Suppose a 10-mile taxi ride costs 6.50 in London and 10.00 in Los Angeles. If the exchange rate is 1 = 1.70 purchasing power parity holds.
 a. True
  b. False
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false


Why does the structure of a corporate business complicate the analysis of a strategy?


If monopolistically competitive firms are earning economic profits, then in the transition to the long-run equilibrium:
 a. more firms will enter the industry.
 b. prices will tend to fall.
 c. each firm will produce a smaller quantity of output.
  d. all of the above will occur.


Purchasing power parity holds when the exchange rate is equal to the product of the foreign price level and the domestic price level.
 a. True
  b. False
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false


Why is reliable data on the formation and survival of startups difficult to obtain?
Read 39 times
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6 years ago
[Answer to ques. #1]  TRUE

[Answer to ques. #2]  Buyer and seller both benefit from exchanging some good if the seller gets more than his opportunity cost (i.e., the value of the best forgone alternative), and the buyer pays less than her valuation (maximum willingness to pay for it before going elsewhere). Sellers can improve economic value by lowering the cost of production, improving the quality of the product, and reducing the transaction costs.

[Answer to ques. #3]  a

[Answer to ques. #4]  FALSE

[Answer to ques. #5]  A corporation's executives and board of directors might make choices that are in their personal interests rather than those of their shareholders, who would prefer decisions that maximize the values of their stock. Managers whose firms produce substantial free cash flows may prefer to spend them on questionable acquisitions that often fail to benefit shareholders. Such acquisitions, however, give managers a larger firm to run, which generally means higher pay and more prestige in the community.

[Answer to ques. #6]  d

[Answer to ques. #7]  FALSE

[Answer to ques. #8]  Reliable data on the formation and survival of startups are hard to obtain, because many never obtain licenses or pay taxes as incorporated entities.
jojo13 Author
6 years ago
Smiling Face with Open Mouth that's the expression my face made when I got the notification email
6 years ago
glad I put that smile on your face Happy Dummy
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