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omggimmetheansw omggimmetheansw
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6 years ago
The nurse is caring for an older patient. The nurse recognizes that which factors place older adults at higher risk for development of heart failure?
  Select all that apply.
  1. impaired diastolic filling
  2. increased cardiac reserve
  3. increased maximal heart rate
  4. reduced ventricular compliance
  5. high responsiveness to sympathetic nervous system stimulation

Question 2

The nurse suspects that a patient has pericarditis. What did the nurse assess to make this clinical decision?
  Select all that apply.
  1. pericardial friction rub
  2. abdominal discomfort and nausea
  3. chest pain
  4. bradycardia
  5. distended neck veins

Question 3

The nurse suspects that a patient is experiencing paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (PND). What did the nurse assess to make this clinical decision?
  Select all that apply.
  1. symptoms occurring at night
  2. pulmonary congestion
  3. improving cardiac reserve
  4. voiding more than one time per night
  5. daytime peripheral edema

Question 4

The nurse is caring for a patient with possible endocarditis. What is important for the nurse to consider when caring for this patient?
  1. Endocarditis does not pose a high risk of damage to affected heart valves.
  2. Patients with this disorder can be treated with open heart surgery to clean the heart valves.
  3. The condition is unrelated to fever, so patients can be medicated with the prescribed antipyretic and observed.
  4. Endocarditis can be prevented in patients at risk by administering antibiotics prior to procedures.

Question 5

The nurse caring for a patient with coronary artery disease hears a murmur during auscultation of the heart. What should the nurse suspect is occurring in this patient?
  1. valvular heart disease
  2. pericarditis
  3. cardiac tamponade
  4. heart failure

Question 6

A patient is diagnosed with cardiac tamponade. What treatment should the nurse expect to be prescribed for this patient?
  1. antidysrhythmic drugs and oxygen
  2. oxygen and rest
  3. pericardiocentesis
  4. antibiotics

Question 7

The nurse should recognize which finding as a sign of decreased cardiac output and tissue perfusion in a patient with heart failure?
  1. reduced mental alertness
  2. increased urine output
  3. abdominal distention
  4. strong peripheral pulses
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1

Correct Answer: 1, 4
Diastolic filling is impaired because of reduced ventricular compliance. With aging, cardiac function is less responsive to increased stress because cardiac reserve decreases, maximal heart rate is reduced, and the heart becomes less responsive to sympathetic nervous system stimulation.

The answer to question 2

Correct Answer: 1, 3
Pericardial friction rub and chest pain are hallmark signs of pericarditis. Abdominal discomfort, nausea, bradycardia, and distended neck veins are not associated with pericarditis.

The answer to question 3

Correct Answer: 1, 2, 4, 5
PND is a condition in which the patient is awakened at night by acute shortness of breath. It occurs when edema fluid that has accumulated during the day is reabsorbed into the circulation at night, causing pulmonary congestion. Nocturia, or voiding more than once a night, is associated with PND. Daytime peripheral edema contributes to the development of PND. PND is often a symptom of chronic heart failure, which is characterized by decreasing cardiac reserve and dependent edema that worsens as the day progresses.

The answer to question 4

Correct Answer: 4
Endocarditis can be prevented in patients at risk by administering antibiotics prior to procedures. Endocarditis carries serious risks of damage to heart valves. Fever may be present in endocarditis. Open heart surgery is not an appropriate treatment for this condition.

The answer to question 5

Correct Answer: 1
Valvular heart disorders interfere with the smooth flow of blood through the heart. The flow becomes turbulent, causing a murmur, a characteristic manifestation of valvular disease. The heart sound characteristic of pericarditis is a pericardial friction rub. Distant and muffled heart sounds are typical of cardiac tamponade. Extra heart sounds S3 and S4 are heard in heart failure.

The answer to question 6

Correct Answer: 3
When cardiac tamponade occurs, it is considered a medical emergency. Pericardiocentesis is performed to removed fluid or blood that has collected around the heart and is preventing the heart from pumping effectively. Antidysrhythmic drugs, oxygen, rest, and antibiotics may be indicated after the pericardiocentesis is performed.

The answer to question 7

Correct Answer: 1
A change in mentation is a common sign of decreased cardiac output and tissue perfusion. Urine output would decrease and pulses would weaken. Abdominal distention is a sign of right-sided failure, which is a problem with venous return, not cardiac output or tissue perfusion.
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