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rimaaazzz rimaaazzz
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6 years ago
A nurse cares for a female client who has a family history of cystic fibrosis. The client asks, Will my children have cystic fibrosis? How should the nurse respond?
  a. Since many of your family members are carriers, your children will also be carriers of the gene.
  b. Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disorder. If you are a carrier, your children will have the disorder.
  c. Since you have a family history of cystic fibrosis, I would encourage you and your partner to be tested.
  d. Cystic fibrosis is caused by a protein that controls the movement of chloride. Adjusting your diet will decrease the spread of this disorder.

Question 2

A nurse administers medications to a client who has asthma. Which medication classification is paired correctly with its physiologic response to the medication?
  a. Bronchodilator - Stabilizes the membranes of mast cells and prevents the release of inflammatory mediators
  b. Cholinergic antagonist - Causes bronchodilation by inhibiting the parasympathetic nervous system
  c. Corticosteroid - Relaxes bronchiolar smooth muscles by binding to and activating pulmonary beta2 receptors
  d. Cromone - Disrupts the production of pathways of inflammatory mediators

Question 3

A nurse cares for a client who has a pleural chest tube. Which action should the nurse take to ensure safe use of this equipment?
  a. Strip the tubing to minimize clot formation and ensure patency.
  b. Secure tubing junctions with clamps to prevent accidental disconnections.
  c. Connect the chest tube to wall suction at the level prescribed by the provider.
  d. Keep padded clamps at the bedside for use if the drainage system is interrupted.

Question 4

A nurse cares for a client who tests positive for alpha1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency. The client asks, What does this mean? How should the nurse respond?
  a. Your children will be at high risk for the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  b. I will contact a genetic counselor to discuss your condition.
  c. Your risk for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is higher, especially if you smoke.
  d. This is a recessive gene and should have no impact on your health.

Question 5

A pulmonary nurse cares for clients who have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Which client should the nurse assess first?
  a. A 46-year-old with a 30-pack-year history of smoking
  b. A 52-year-old in a tripod position using accessory muscles to breathe
  c. A 68-year-old who has dependent edema and clubbed fingers
  d. A 74-year-old with a chronic cough and thick, tenacious secretions

Question 6

The nurse is teaching a client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who has been prescribed continuous oxygen therapy at home. Which statement indicates the client correctly understands the teaching?
  a. I plan to wear my oxygen when I exercise and feel short of breath.
  b. I will use my portable oxygen when grilling burgers in the backyard.
  c. I plan to use cotton balls to cushion the oxygen tubing on my ears.
  d. I will only smoke while I am wearing my oxygen via nasal cannula.

Question 7

A nurse cares for a client with a 40-year smoking history who is experiencing distended neck veins and dependent edema. Which physiologic process should the nurse correlate with this client's history and clinical manifestations?
  a. Increased pulmonary pressure creating a higher workload on the right side of the heart
  b. Exposure to irritants resulting in increased inflammation of the bronchi and bronchioles
  c. Increased number and size of mucus glands producing large amounts of thick mucus
  d. Left ventricular hypertrophy creating a decrease in cardiac output

Question 8

The nurse is caring for a client who is prescribed a long-acting beta2 agonist. The client states, The medication is too expensive to use every day. I only use my inhaler when I have an attack. How should the nurse respond?
  a. You are using the inhaler incorrectly. This medication should be taken daily.
  b. If you decrease environmental stimuli, it will be okay for you to use the inhaler only for asthma attacks.
  c. Tell me more about your fears related to feelings of breathlessness.
  d. It is important to use this type of inhaler every day. Let's identify potential community services to help you.

Question 9

A nurse cares for a client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who appears thin and disheveled. Which question should the nurse ask first?
  a. Do you have a strong support system?
  b. What do you understand about your disease?
  c. Do you experience shortness of breath with basic activities?
  d. What medications are you prescribed to take each day?
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1

Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disorder in which both gene alleles must be mutated for the disorder to be expressed. The nurse should encourage both the client and partner to be tested for the abnormal gene. The other statements are not true.

The answer to question 2

Cholinergic antagonist drugs cause bronchodilation by inhibiting the parasympathetic nervous system. This allows the sympathetic nervous system to dominate and release norepinephrine that actives beta2 receptors. Bronchodilators relax bronchiolar smooth muscles by binding to and activating pulmonary beta2 receptors. Corticosteroids disrupt the production of pathways of inflammatory mediators. Cromones stabilize the membranes of mast cells and prevent the release of inflammatory mediators.

The answer to question 3

Padded clamps should be kept at the bedside for use if the drainage system becomes dislodged or is interrupted. The nurse should never strip the tubing. Tubing junctions should be taped, not clamped. Wall suction should be set at the level indicated by the device's manufacturer, not the provider.

The answer to question 4

The gene for AAT is a recessive gene. Clients with only one allele produce enough AAT to prevent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) unless the client smokes. A client with two alleles is at high risk for COPD even if not exposed to smoke or other irritants. The client is a carrier, and children may or may not be at high risk depending on the partner's AAT levels. Contacting a genetic counselor may be helpful but does not address the client's current question.

The answer to question 5

The client who is in a tripod position and using accessory muscles is working to breathe. This client must be assessed first to establish how well the client is breathing and provide interventions to minimize respiratory failure. The other clients are not in acute distress.

The answer to question 6

Cotton balls can decrease pressure ulcers from the oxygen tubing. Continuous oxygen orders mean the client should wear the oxygen at all times. Oxygen fuels a fire. Wearing oxygen while grilling and smoking increases the risk for fire.

The answer to question 7

Smoking increases pulmonary hypertension, resulting in cor pulmonale, or right-sided heart failure. Increased pressures in the lungs make it more difficult for blood to flow through the lungs. Blood backs up into the right side of the heart and then into the peripheral venous system, creating distended neck veins and dependent edema. Inflammation in bronchi and bronchioles creates an airway obstruction which manifests as wheezes. Thick mucus in the lungs has no impact on distended neck veins and edema. Left ventricular hypertrophy is associated with left heart failure and is not caused by a 40-year smoking history.

The answer to question 8

Long-acting beta2 agonists should be used every day to prevent asthma attacks. This medication should not be taken when an attack starts. Asthma medications can be expensive. Telling the client that he or she is using the inhaler incorrectly does not address the client's financial situation, which is the main issue here. Clients with limited incomes should be provided with community resources. Asking the client about fears related to breathlessness does not address the client's immediate concerns.

The answer to question 9

Clients with severe COPD may not be able to perform daily activities, including bathing and eating, because of excessive shortness of breath. The nurse should ask the client if shortness of breath is interfering with basic activities. Although the nurse should know about the client's support systems, current knowledge, and medications, these questions do not address the client's appearance.
rimaaazzz Author
6 years ago
I wanna give this person a hug.
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