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fairlykyle fairlykyle
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6 years ago
A nurse cares for a client placed in skeletal traction. The client asks, What is the primary purpose of this type of traction? How should the nurse respond?
  a. Skeletal traction will assist in realigning your fractured bone.
  b. This treatment will prevent future complications and back pain.
  c. Traction decreases muscle spasms that occur with a fracture.
  d. This type of traction minimizes damage as a result of fracture treatment.

Question 2

A nurse assesses a client with a pelvic fracture. Which assessment finding should the nurse identify as a complication of this injury?
  a. Hypertension
  b. Constipation
  c. Infection
  d. Hematuria

Question 3

A nurse cares for a client who had a wrist cast applied 3 days ago. The client states, The cast is loose enough to slide off. How should the nurse respond?
  a. Keep your arm above the level of your heart.
  b. As your muscles atrophy, the cast is expected to loosen.
  c. I will wrap a bandage around the cast to prevent it from slipping.
  d. You need a new cast now that the swelling is decreased.

Question 4

A nurse is caring for a client who is recovering from an above-the-knee amputation. The client reports pain in the limb that was removed. How should the nurse respond?
  a. The pain you are feeling does not actually exist.
  b. This type of pain is common and will eventually go away.
  c. Would you like to learn how to use imagery to minimize your pain?
  d. How would you describe the pain that you are feeling?

Question 5

A home health nurse assesses a client with diabetes who has a new cast on the arm. The nurse notes the client's fingers are pale, cool, and slightly swollen. Which action should the nurse take first?
  a. Raise the arm above the level of the heart.
  b. Encourage range of motion.
  c. Apply heat to the affected hand.
  d. Bivalve the cast to decrease pressure.
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1

Skeletal traction pins or screws are surgically inserted into the bone to aid in bone alignment. As a last resort, traction can be used to relieve pain, decrease muscle spasm, and prevent or correct deformity and tissue damage. These are not primary purposes of skeletal traction.

The answer to question 2

The pelvis is very vascular and close to major organs. Injury to the pelvis can cause integral damage that may manifest as blood in the urine (hematuria) or stool. The nurse should also assess for signs of hemorrhage and hypovolemic shock, which include hypotension and tachycardia. Constipation and infection are not complications of a pelvic fracture.

The answer to question 3

Often the surrounding soft tissues may be swollen considerably when the cast is initially applied. After the swelling has resolved, if the cast is loose enough to permit two or more fingers between the cast and the client's skin, the cast needs to be replaced. Elevating the arm will not solve the problem, and the client's muscles should not atrophy while in a cast for 6 weeks or less. An elastic bandage will not prevent slippage of the cast.

The answer to question 4

The nurse should ask the client to rate the pain on a scale of 0 to 10 and describe how the pain feels. Although phantom limb pain is common, the nurse should not minimize the pain that the client is experiencing by stating that it does not exist or will eventually go away. Antiepileptic drugs and antispasmodics are used to treat neurologic pain and muscle spasms after amputation. Although imagery may assist the client, the nurse must assess the client's pain before determining the best action.

The answer to question 5

Arm casts can impair circulation when the arm is in the dependent position. The nurse should immediately elevate the arm above the level of the heart, ensuring that the hand is above the elbow, and should re-assess the extremity in 15 minutes. If the fingers are warmer and less swollen, the cast is not too tight and adjustments do not need to be made, but a sling should be worn when the client is upright. Encouraging range of motion would not assist the client as much as elevating the arm. Heat would cause increased edema and should not be used. If the cast is confirmed to be too tight, it could be bivalved.
fairlykyle Author
6 years ago
Thank you for answering
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