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kaefol kaefol
Posts: 545
Rep: 3 0
6 years ago
How Schmidt Pen Company should increase its sales in the following fiscal year is an example of a ________ problem.
 a. discovery-oriented decision
 b. research-oriented decision
 c. strategy-oriented decision
 d. marketing-oriented decision

Question 2

Suppose you are a salesperson working for a manufacturer of business machinery. While gathering precall information you learn that a prospect you're preparing to call on is actually a member of a buying team. Which of the following best represents what you should do next?
 a. Identify the decision maker and focus your selling efforts on that individual.
  b. Identify the purchasing agent and focus your selling efforts on that individual.
  c. Identify the role of each member of the buying team and the amount of influence each exerts.
  d. Create a written sales proposal and give them to your contact so that he/she can pass them out to the other buying team members.
  e. Both a and b are correct because the decision maker is usually the purchasing agent.

Question 3

When the Schmidt Pen Company was faced with the change in its production process because of new legislation, managers needed information about what was happening and why was it happening. This is an example of a ________ problem.
 a. discovery-oriented decision
 b. research-oriented decision
 c. strategy-oriented decision
 d. marketing-oriented decision

Question 4

Craig is a salesperson for an industrial equipment company. Craig calls on factories and spends most of his time talking with equipment operators who work on the factory floor. While Craig is able to get the equipment operators interested in his products, he is often unable to make a sale. Craig needs to work on:
 a. determining other purchase decision influencers.
  b. improving his products.
  c. improving his attitude.
  d. his cold canvassing ability.
  e. his record keeping.

Question 5

The Schmidt Pen Company was forced to change its production process because of new legislation regarding air pollution. This is an example of ________ change.
 a. planned
 b. proactive
 c. unanticipated
 d. negative

Question 6

Gina, a salesperson for ABC Corp, spends a lot of time interviewing her prospects so she can learn their names, interests, and job responsibilities. Gina should probably spend more time:
 a. talking about her product.
  b. talking about her company.
  c. talking about herself.
  d. obtaining precall information on the prospect.
  e. obtaining leads from better sources.

Question 7

Which of the following questions is least appropriate for a researcher to ask a client during their initial meeting?
 a. What factors do you think have created this situation?
 b. What is likely to happen if nothing changes in the next 12 months?
 c. Which method of analysis--one-way or two-way frequencies--do you prefer?
 d. What caused you to notice the problem?

Question 8

Which of the following represents precall information about the prospective buyer that the salesperson may wish to obtain?
 a. Information about the prospect
  b. Information about the prospect's organization
  c. Information about the prospects target markets
  d. All of the above
  e. Only a and b are correct

Question 9

When meeting with a client, a researcher should first:
 a. establish rapport with open and honest communication.
 b. discuss the cost of the project.
 c. suggest the research plan.
 d. None of these are correct.
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6 years ago
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6 years ago
All correct!
6 years ago
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