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destiny_remy destiny_remy
Posts: 511
Rep: 1 0
6 years ago
Wood Carver Cabinet Makers recently developed a line of kitchen cabinets designed for new custom homes and kitchen remodeling jobs. The line of cabinets is to be called Signature Hardwoods and a new magazine advertising campaign is being tested. Each of the ads that is being tested has a photograph of a woodworker handcrafting some part of the cabinet. In addition, his or her signature is shown at the bottom of the page as an indicator that the cabinets are carefully hand made. To target new markets, Wood Carver is looking for up-to-date informationthe latest availableon employment, occupation, and income throughout the country without having to pay a fee for commercial data. National data on consumers is gathered by the U.S. Census through a number of avenues, but one of its survey instruments publishes monthly statistics on just these topics. Which is it?
 a. Pew Center Survey
  b. Current Population Survey
  c. American Demographics Survey
  d. International Social Survey

Question 2

Describe the Chaos Scenario? How does it relate to today's advertising efforts?

Question 3

Wood Carver Cabinet Makers recently developed a line of kitchen cabinets designed for new custom homes and kitchen remodeling jobs. The line of cabinets is to be called Signature Hardwoods and a new magazine advertising campaign is being tested. Each of the ads that is being tested has a photograph of a woodworker handcrafting some part of the cabinet. In addition, his or her signature is shown at the bottom of the page as an indicator that the cabinets are carefully hand made. Wood Carver might consider testing the magazine ad by recruiting a group of potential consumers to take part in story construction. What would a story construction technique ask these respondents to do?
 a. Provide a narrative about people depicted in a scene or picture
  b. Write a story about how they would use the product
  c. Fill in blanks in sentences that describe the ad
  d. Think visually about how they would represent their experiences with a brand

Question 4

What is meant by the term Madison & Vine? Explain why this convergence has occurred in the world of promotion.

Question 5

Wood Carver Cabinet Makers recently developed a line of kitchen cabinets designed for new custom homes and kitchen remodeling jobs. The line of cabinets is to be called Signature Hardwoods and a new magazine advertising campaign is being tested. Each of the ads that is being tested has a photograph of a woodworker handcrafting some part of the cabinet. In addition, his or her signature is shown at the bottom of the page as an indicator that the cabinets are carefully hand made. A marketing manager at Wood Carver said in a manager's meeting, We have to get quick feedback on the overall quality and usefulness of these new ideas. We'll just have to let the focus group make the final judgment on these ads. Which research method is he considering?
 a. Survey
  b. Concept test
  c. Direct response measure
  d. Tracking study

Question 6

You are a marketing associate at a promotional firm that specializes in innovative branding. You will be meeting with several clients next week and you need to review their files and get updated on their latest promotional efforts. One client was initially willing to pay a hefty fee for its fruit snack bar to appear in a summer action movie full of spies and car chases, but the fit just didn't seem right. You convinced the client to go instead with a teen romance that also released in the summer. It appears to have done very well, building popularity with kids who bought it at the concessions stand, and went on to buy it at their local retailer. Which of the following concepts did you rely on?
 a. Exclusive sponsorship
  b. Advergaming
  c. Leveraging
  d. Authenticity

Question 7

The Solutions Group is a combination of companies that help clients better understand their target markets through creative research approaches. It has learned that many people have become quite adept at filtering out advertising messages and therefore do not respond to traditional research instruments such as surveys. The Solutions Group says that there must be a research revolution based on true dialogues with consumers, not one-way monologues often seen in traditional surveys. A number of revolutionary techniques can be found by the Solutions Group in an attempt to unearth consumers' true feelings and honest opinions about brands and ads. But they should remember that problems with validity most likely arise in studies when respondents are asked to:
 a. taste products in blind taste tests.
  b. recall their memories about ads for a particular brand.
  c. share their thoughts and opinions about certain brands they don't like.
  d. do things they don't normally do in real life when viewing ads.

Question 8

You are a marketing associate at a promotional firm that specializes in innovative branding. You will be meeting with several clients next week and you need to review their files and get updated on their latest promotional efforts. You recall that the owner of one firm had said in the past that you'd done a good job in convincing him that he needed to focus on creating synergy in all advertising efforts. At the time, he wanted you to clarify what you meant by synergy. You replied that synergy refers to:
 a. planning ahead for the use of new media as they emerge.
  b. making sure all media efforts reinforce each other for maximum effect.
  c. sharing communication goals among clients and suppliers.
  d. using all the interactive capabilities of any given media.
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6 years ago
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Helped a lot

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