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Derar Derar
Posts: 329
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6 years ago
A(n) ____________ is any contact with a service organization that the customer may use to evaluate the service.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 2

Virtual identity is how the consumer or brand uses images and text online to construct or showcase its identity.
 a. True
  b. False
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 3

Fritters, a fast food restaurant chain, known for its quick meals encountered an instance where a customer had blamed its food for his weight gain. Later on in the same year, Fritters launched an advertisement comparing its burger with a close rival's, which were very similar, and was asked to be corrected by the court. However, a second advertisement depicting a super model eating its fries and an obese person eating the fries of its competitors food chain had been deemed unethical and was ordered by the court to be removed, although Fritters continued airing the ad. If Fritters had removed the advertisement soon after receiving a court order it would be an example of _____.
 a. a stealth sponsorship
  b. a consent order
  c. monopoly power
  d. puffery

Question 4

A customer's __________ is the sum of all possible purchases over his/her lifetime.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 5

Social news websites are sites that allow people to discover and share content from anywhere on the Internet by submitting links and stories to a central service.
 a. True
  b. False
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 6

Fritters, a fast food restaurant chain, known for its quick meals encountered an instance where a customer had blamed its food for his weight gain. Later on in the same year, Fritters launched an advertisement comparing its burger with a close rival's, which were very similar, and was asked to be corrected by the court. However, a second advertisement depicting a super model eating its fries and an obese person eating the fries of its competitors food chain had been deemed unethical and was ordered by the court to be removed, although Fritters continued airing the ad. Fritters continued airing its advertisement despite being asked to remove it by court. As a result, Fritters would be asked by the court to remove the ad in 30 days. This is an example of .
 a. accommodation
  b. appropriation
  c. a consent order
  d. a cease-and-desist order

Question 7

_______ is the effort an organization expends to win back customers' goodwill once it has been lost due to service failure.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 8

In video sharing websites, unregistered users can watch videos already posted to the site, while registered users are
  permitted to upload videos and comment on other users' videos.
 a. True
  b. False
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 9

Fritters, a fast food restaurant chain, known for its quick meals encountered an instance where a customer had blamed its food for his weight gain. Later on in the same year, Fritters launched an advertisement comparing its burger with a close rival's, which were very similar, and was asked to be corrected by the court. However, a second advertisement depicting a super model eating its fries and an obese person eating the fries of its competitors food chain had been deemed unethical and was ordered by the court to be removed, although Fritters continued airing the ad. Which of the following actions would help Fritters prove the fairness of its first comparison ad?
 a. By entering a stealth sponsorship with its competitor
  b. By including a disclaimer
  c. By sharing the profits of the ad with its competitor
  d. By mentioning the contents of the meals
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Posts: 379
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6 years ago
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