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mt mt
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6 years ago
________ is a work arrangement in which employees work at home and are linked to the workplace by computer.
  A) Outsourcing
  B) Coworking
  C) Telecommuting
  D) Hot desking

Question 2

Explain the concept of strategic partnerships and highlight some of their advantages.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 3

What are communities of practice? What can organizations do to make such communities successful?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 4

Strategic partnerships are collaborative relationships between two or more organizations in which they combine their resources and capabilities for some business purpose.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

Question 5

Briefly describe the characteristics of cross-functional teams and task forces.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 6

List some of the benefits and drawbacks of collaborative work.
  What will be an ideal response?
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Answer: C

Answer to #2

Answer: Strategic partnerships: These are collaborative relationships between two or more organizations in which they combine their resources and capabilities for some business purpose.
Some of the advantages of such partnerships are:
 The flexibility and informality of arrangements promote efficiencies.
 It provides access to new markets and technologies, and entails less paperwork when creating and disbanding projects.
 It results in risks and expenses being shared by multiple parties.
 It maintains an independent brand identification that can be exploited.
 Working with partners possessing multiple skills can create major synergies.
 Rivals can often work together harmoniously.
 The partnerships can take on varied forms from simple to complex.
 It can accommodate dozens of participants in partnership arrangements.
 The antitrust laws can protect R&D activities.

Answer to #3

Answer: Communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern, a set of problems, or a passion about a topic, and who deepen their knowledge and expertise in that area by interacting on an ongoing basis. For communities of practice to work successfully:
 top management support and clear expectations is essential.
 an environment that will attract people and make them want to return for advice, conversation, and knowledge sharing should be created.
 regular meetings of the community, whether in person or online should be encouraged.
 regular communication among community members should be established.
 real problems and issues important to the organization should be focused on.
 clear accountability and managerial oversight is essential.

Answer to #4

Answer: TRUE

Answer to #5

Answer: When managers believe that collaboration among employees is needed for more coordinated and integrated work efforts, they can use several different structural options. Some of the more popular include cross-functional teams and task forces. Cross-functional teams are work teams composed of individuals from various functional specialties. When a cross-functional team is formed, team members are brought together to collaborate on resolving mutual problems that affect the respective functional areas. Ideally, the artificial boundaries that separate functions disappear and the team focuses on working together to achieve organizational goals.
A task force, also called an ad hoc committee, is a temporary committee or team formed to tackle a specific short-term problem affecting several departments. The temporary nature of a task force is what differentiates it from a cross-functional team. Task force members usually perform many of their normal work tasks while serving on the task force. However, the members of a task force must collaborate to resolve the issue that's been assigned to them. When the issue or problem is solved, the task force is no longer needed and members return to their regular assignments.

Answer to #6

Answer: Some of the benefits of collaborative work are:
 It increases communication and coordination.
 It results in greater innovative output.
 It enhances the ability to address complex problems.
 It promotes sharing of information and best practices.
Some of the drawbacks of collaborative work are:
 It gives rise to interpersonal conflicts.
 It gives rise to different views and competing goals.
 It is difficult to coordinate.
mt Author
6 years ago
I know you spent a lot of time finding this because I swear it wasn't in my textbook
6 years ago
You're partially right, it's found midway in the chapter, but not at all easy to find. Good luck with the rest
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