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brandon... brandon...
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6 years ago
Describe and explain the five most prevalent climate categories that comprise the ethical dimensions of organization cultures.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 2

________ bargaining is negotiation that seeks to divide a fixed amount of goods or services.
  A) Distributive
  B) Integrative
  C) Reflective
  D) Affective
  E) Conjunctive

Question 3

Describe the various situations under which culture acts as a liability.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 4

The two general approaches to negotiation are ________ bargaining and ________ bargaining.
  A) emotional; rational
  B) affective; reflective
  C) distributive; integrative
  D) formal; informal
  E) legal; restrictive

Question 5

________ is defined as the absence of information.
  A) Apprehension
  B) Selective perception
  C) Cognition
  D) Misrepresentation
  E) Silence

Question 6

________ training involves employees helping each other out at the workplace in an unplanned and unstructured environment.
  A) Formal
  B) Ethics
  C) Interpersonal
  D) Informal
  E) Classroom

Question 7

Dunder Mifflin Inc. is considering implementing employee ethics training programs. Some members of senior management are opposed to these programs. Their opposition is most likely based on which of the following beliefs?
  A) Ethics training is very expensive.
  B) Ethics change from country to country.
  C) Individual value systems are fixed at an early age.
  D) Integrity cannot be taught by example.
  E) Ethics training does not help employees to recognize ethical dilemmas.

Question 8

Explain the concept of organizational climate.
  What will be an ideal response?
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

The five most prevalent climate categories are instrumental, caring, independence, law and code, and rules. Each explains the mindset, expectations, and values of the managers and employees in relationship to their organization. In an instrumental ethical climate, managers may frame their decision making around the assumption that employees are egoistic. In a caring climate, managers may operate under the expectation that their decisions will positively affect the greatest number of stakeholders possible. In a climate of independence, personal moral ideas dictate an individual's workplace behavior. Law and code climates require managers and employees to use an external standardized moral compass, while rules climates tend to operate by internal standardized expectations.

Answer to #2

Explanation: A) The essence of distributive bargaining is negotiating over who gets what share of a fixed pie. Fixed pie refers to a set amount of goods or services to be divided up. When the pie is fixed, or parties believe it is, they tend to bargain distributively.

Answer to #3

The various situations under which culture acts as a liability are:
a) Institutionalization: When an organization undergoes institutionalization and becomes institutionalizedthat is, it is valued for itself and not for the goods or services it producesit takes on a life of its own, apart from its founders or members. It doesn't go out of business even if its original goals are no longer relevant. Acceptable modes of behavior become largely self-evident to members, and although this isn't entirely negative, it does mean behaviors and habits that should be questioned and analyzed become taken for granted, which can stifle innovation and make maintaining the organization's culture an end in itself.
b) Barriers to change: Culture is a liability when the shared values are not in agreement with those that further the organization's effectiveness. This is most likely when an organization's environment is undergoing rapid change and its entrenched culture may no longer be appropriate.
c) Barriers to diversity: By limiting the range of acceptable values and styles, strong cultures put considerable pressure on employees to conform.
d) Barriers to acquisitions and mergers: Historically, when management looked at acquisition or merger decisions, the key factors were financial advantage and product synergy. In recent years, cultural compatibility has become the primary concern.

Answer to #4

Explanation: C) There are two general approaches to negotiation: distributive bargaining and integrative bargaining. In distributive bargaining, negotiation seeks to divide up a fixed amount of resources into a win-lose situation. With integrative bargaining, negotiation seeks one or more settlements that can create a win-win solution.

Answer to #5

Explanation: E) Silence is defined as the absence of information. It is a common and problematic barrier to communication. Employee silence means managers lack information about ongoing operational problems. Additionally, silence regarding discrimination, harassment, corruption, and misconduct means top management cannot take action to eliminate this behavior. Finally, employees who are silent about important issues may also experience psychological stress.

Answer to #6

Explanation: D) Most workplace learning takes place in informal training, which is unstructured, unplanned, and easily adapted to situations and individuals, for teaching skills and keeping employees current. In reality, most informal training is nothing other than employees helping each other out.

Answer to #7

Explanation: C) Critics argue that ethics are based on values, and value systems are learned by example at an early age. By the time employees are hired, their ethical values are fixed. Some research does suggest ethics training does not have a significant long-term effect on participants' values.

Answer to #8

Organizational climate refers to the shared perceptions organizational members have about their organization and work environment. This aspect of culture is like team spirit at the organizational level. When everyone has the same general feelings about what's important or how well things are working, the effect of these attitudes will be more than the sum of the individual parts. One meta-analysis found that across dozens of different samples, psychological climate was strongly related to individuals' level of job satisfaction, involvement, commitment, and motivation. A positive overall workplace climate has been linked to higher customer satisfaction and financial performance as well.
brandon... Author
6 years ago
Thank you so much for the answer
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