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sulee sulee
Posts: 321
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6 years ago
Leroy has a formal retirement plan based on his final years' average salary and years of service at Royce Pharmaceuticals. Which type of plan does Leroy most likely have?
  A) defined contribution
  B) defined benefit
  C) cash balance
  D) 401(k)

Question 2

Retirement plans that qualify for preferential tax treatment are referred to as ________.
  A) tax exempt plans
  B) qualified plans
  C) tax efficient plans
  D) nonqualified plans

Question 3

Which type of plan balances the risk an employee takes while saving for retirement?
  A) defined benefit plan
  B) cash balance plan
  C) pension equity plan
  D) defined contribution plan

Question 4

Maura's retirement plan requires her employer to make specific contributions to a retirement fund established for Maura. Which type of plan does Maura most likely have?
  A) defined contribution plan
  B) deferred contribution plan
  C) defined benefit plan
  D) deferred salary plan

Question 5

With reference to decision making, which of the following does satisficing involve?
  A) weighing each criteria before making a decision
  B) seeking solutions that are satisfactory and sufficient
  C) scrutinizing and evaluating each alternative in detail
  D) selecting the best option with the highest utility
  E) finding optimal solutions to problems

Question 6

What is a consumer-driven health care plan? How do they benefit employers?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 7

________ is an unconscious process created from distilled experience.
  A) Process consultation
  B) Action research
  C) Intuitive decision making
  D) Active selection
  E) Emotional intelligence

Question 8

Which of the following was a characteristic of the organization of the early church as portrayed in the New Testament?
  A) decentralized decision-making
  B) a closed system
  C) a localized reach
  D) a top-down hierarchy
  E) an autocratic decision-making style
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2 Replies

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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Answer: B

Answer to #2

Answer: B

Answer to #3

Answer: B

Answer to #4

Answer: A

Answer to #5

Explanation: B) The limited information-processing capability of human beings makes it impossible to assimilate and understand all the information necessary to optimize. In addition, many problems likely do not have an optimal solution because they are too complicated to be broken down into the parameters of the rational decision-making model. Hence, people satisfice, that is, they seek solutions that are satisfactory and sufficient.

Answer to #6

Answer: Consumer-driven health care refers to the objective of helping companies maintain control over costs while also enabling employees to make greater choices about health care. This approach may enable employers to lower the cost of insurance premiums by selecting plans with higher employee deductibles. Membership in these plans has increased steadily since 2005 to 15.5 million in 2013 with an annual growth rate of approximately 15 percent. They are a good way for employers to provide the same caliber of benefits to their employees while also reducing premiums and involving employees in the cost of coverage. Patients who pay for health care services using pre-tax funds are not subject to the same lengthy, burdensome payments cycle. Consumer-driven plans give each employee a set amount of money annually with which to purchase health care coverage which involves high-deductible insurance coverage combined with a tax-advantaged account like a flexible saving account (FSA) or health saving account (HRA). These accounts provide employees with resources to pay for medical and related expenses not covered by higher deductible insurance plans at substantially lower costs to employers. They are a good way for employers to provide the same caliber of benefits to their employees while also reducing premiums and involving employees in the cost of coverage.

Answer to #7

Explanation: C) Intuitive decision making is an unconscious process created from distilled experience. Intuitive decision making occurs outside conscious thought, relies on holistic associations, is fast, and engages in emotions.

Answer to #8

sulee Author
6 years ago
Amazing, correctly answered
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