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kaefol kaefol
Posts: 545
Rep: 3 0
6 years ago
Which of the following is true of the organic style of organizational management?
  A) It divides and subdivides work into ever-smaller, highly specialized tasks.
  B) It centralizes the decision-making authority with rules and norms.
  C) It coordinates activities mainly through the subordinate-boss relationship.
  D) It suits rapidly changing environments requiring flexibility and innovation.
  E) It emphasizes the hierarchy of authority, vertical communication, and accountability.

Question 2

What is the primary function of transformation processes within an organization?
  A) to pursue the organization's core purpose in creating value in its products
  B) to integrate the various teams within the organization and help them work together
  C) to protect the organization from changes in the external environment
  D) to reinforce organizational culture among the employees of an organization
  E) to provide information that is used to improve the outputs of the organization

Question 3

In the organization of the tabernacle, priests were in charge of tabernacle worship, while ________ were in charge of caring for the tabernacle.
  A) Hittites
  B) slaves
  C) Levites
  D) widows
  E) Romans

Question 4

Moses had been trying to accomplish too much work on his own. Following the advice of his father-in-law, Jethro, he instituted a clearly defined hierarchy of authority.
  This way, the more difficult, complex problems would percolate up through the organization to Moses and Aaron, but the lower-level leaders would have authority to deal with the less complicated problems. Jethro had advised him to apply the principle of ________.
  A) delegation
  B) adjourning
  C) storming
  D) downsizing
  E) polarization

Question 5

Which of the following is a key skill for cross-cultural leadership?
  A) focusing on getting the job done, regardless of moral values
  B) learning the culture's receptiveness toward failed attempts
  C) making value differences a point of contention
  D) drawing generalized conclusions based on one's observations
  E) tolerating the unpredictability of life in a new culture

Question 6

Moses had been trying to accomplish too much work on his own.
  Following the advice of his father-in-law, Jethro, he instituted a clearly defined system of authority, with a supervisor for every ten workers and a manager for every ten supervisors, with himself at the top. This way, the more difficult, complex problems would percolate up through the organization to Moses and Aaron, but the lower-level leaders would have authority to deal with the less complicated problems. This describes the ________ type of organizational design.
  A) functional
  B) matrix
  C) network
  D) cellular
  E) multi-divisional

Question 7

When Jesus was teaching his disciples spiritual truths regarding discipleship, He told them that no man can serve two masters. Either he will serve one and hate the other or vice versa. This illustrates the importance of ________ in organizations.
  A) subsidiarity
  B) storming
  C) delegation
  D) unity of command
  E) division of labor

Question 8

After taking Jethro's advice to use a clearly defined hierarchy of authority while delegating work, Moses ________.
  A) found himself even more involved in the daily affairs of labor
  B) removed the supervisors and managers controlling the workers
  C) selected workers based on the sole criteria of leadership skills
  D) could focus on the more difficult problems of the state
  E) worked alone, although it was too much work for one person

Question 9

A single employee reporting to multiple supervisors violates the principle of ________.
  A) subsidiarity
  B) division of labor
  C) solidarity
  D) unity of command
  E) specialization
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