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Sheta Sheta
Posts: 331
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6 years ago
Explain the difference between anaerobic and aerobic metabolism.

Q. 2

What type of sauce is typical in Southeast Asia?
 a. soy sauce
 b. fermented fish sauce
 c. aioli
 d. sweet and sour sauce
  e. tangy red sauce

Q. 3

Describe the criteria that indicate if an individual's diet regimen was developing into a disorder like anorexia nervosa.

Q. 4

In what country are you likely to be served French cream-filled pastries?
 a. Cambodia
 b. Philippines
 c. Vietnam
 d. Laos
 e. Malaysia

Q. 5

Discuss the characteristics of the female athlete triad?

Q. 6

Which of the following is not a key starch source in the South Pacific diet?
 a. breadfruit
  b. soursop
 c. taro root
 d. cassava
 e. yams

Q. 7

Discuss three indicators used to identify and evaluate the health risks from overweight and obesity.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

The production of ATP via the electron transport chain requires oxygen in the final step and is called aerobic metabolism. Glycolysis produces ATP without oxygen and is therefore called anaerobic metabolism. When exercise intensity requires more ATP than can be provided by the electron transport chain (due to limited oxygen or other factors), ATP production from glycolysis is stepped up, making glucose a critical fuel for the exercising muscles.

Answer to #2


Answer to #3

When a person loses weight to well below the average for her height, becoming too slim, and still doesn't stop, she has gone too far. Regardless of how thin she is, she looks in the mirror and sees herself as fat. Specific criteria for the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa include significantly low body weight caused by persistent restriction of energy intake; an intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, or persistent behaviors that interfere with weight gains; and a disturbance in self-perceived weight or shape. Central to the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa is a distorted body image that overestimates body fatness. Anorexia nervosa resembles an addiction. The characteristic behavior is obsessive and compulsive. Before drawing conclusions about someone who is extremely thin or who eats very little, remember that diagnosis of anorexia nervosa requires professional assessment.

Answer to #4


Answer to #5

Even among athletes, however, women are most susceptible to developing eating disorders, and the term female athlete triad has thus been used in the past to refer to the syndrome characterized by disordered eating, amenorrhea (the absence of three or more consecutive menstrual cycles), and osteoporosis observed in these women. Recognizing that some male athletes are susceptible to eating disorders, however, and that this syndrome encompasses more than these three components, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has introduced a more comprehensive term to describe the overall syndrome: relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S).

Answer to #6


Answer to #7

The guidelines for identifying and evaluating the risks to health from overweight and obesity rely on three indicators. The first indicator is a person's BMI. As a general guideline, overweight for adults is defined as BMI of 25.0 through 29.9, and obesity is defined as BMI equal to or greater than 30.
The second indicator is waist circumference, which, as discussed earlier, reflects the degree of abdominal fatness in proportion to body fatness. Women with a waist circumference greater than 35 inches and men with a waist circumference greater than 40 inches are at greater risk of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease than women or men with waist circumferences equal to, or below, these measures. In other words, waist circumference is an independent predictor of disease risk.
The third indicator is the person's disease risk profile. The disease risk profile takes into account life-threatening diseases, family history, and risk factors for heart disease (such as blood lipid profile). The higher the BMI, the greater the waist circumference, and the more risk factors, the greater the urgency to treat obesity. People who are obese or those who are overweight and have one or more indicators of increased risk of heart disease (diabetes, prediabetes, hypertension, abnormal lipid profile, or elevated waist circumference), have a high risk for disease complications and mortality that requires treatment to manage the disease or modify the risk factors.
Sheta Author
6 years ago
I hope they're paying you for this Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes
6 years ago
not really, just a volunteer... and you're welcome Wink Face
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