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sun1322 sun1322
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6 years ago
Paul is a 19-year-old athlete who is 6' tall and weighs 178 pounds; Rick is a 40-year-old salesman who weighs 165 pounds and is 5' 7 tall. What statement below best describes who would have the higher basal metabolic rate and why?
 a. Rick, because he has a lower BMI
 b. Rick, because he is older
 c. Rick, because he has a low-stress occupation
 d. Paul, because he has a lower BMI
 e. Paul, because he is younger, taller, and likely more muscular

Q. 2

List a one-day eating plan that is typical for the American diet. Develop a meal plan that has similar meals but is substantially lower in saturated and trans fat. Any type of ingredient substitution or food substitution can be considered.

Q. 3

When estimating the BMR for an individual it is important to consider which of the following factors that will affect the rate?
 a. the number of hours the person sleeps, because BMR increases during sleep
 b. the amount of daily physical activity, because it increases BMR over time
 c. the amount of muscle mass, because BMR decreases with additional muscle tissue
  d. the age-related increase in BMR as people get older
 e. the health status of the individual, because having a fever or infection will decrease BMR

Q. 4

Many people like to buy frozen entrees such as pasta or lasagna but they also want to watch their fat intake. Describe how they should examine food labels for any two similar items to compare the fat content and to make an informed decision.

Q. 5

The thermic effect of foods can contribute to total energy expended in a day because:
 a. certain foods and herbs can intensify the increase in BMR when eaten with a meal.
  b. the energy expended metabolizing food can represent 40 of the daily energy used.
  c. it is much more efficient than the energy burned in physical activity.
 d. it uses up about 40 of a meal's energy, contributing the largest portion of total expended energy.
  e. metabolism is stepped up for several hours after a meal in the metabolic response to food ingestion.

Q. 6

Your family does not like to eat fish but you are concerned that they are not getting enough omega-3 fatty acids. Your mother suggests that you all take fish oil supplements but you disagree. Give her any 2 reasons why she should not take fish oil supplements and suggest any 2 foods that could supply omega-3 fatty acids in place of fish.

Q. 7

John's energy needs are 1930 calories/day, he weighs 200 lb., and he is 5'9 tall. What would be an appropriate daily calorie intake to promote safe and steady weight loss for him?
 a. 1000-1200 calories
  b. 1800-1900 calories
  c. 930-1630 calories
 d. 1180-1430 calories
  e. 1400-2000 calories

Q. 8

All lipoproteins are made up of proteins, triglycerides, and cholesterol. Why are low-density lipoproteins (LDL) considered unhealthy, and people encouraged to lower LDL, while high-density lipoproteins are considered healthy and people are encouraged to increase HDL?
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6 years ago
Answer to #1


Answer to #2

This is wide open. If someone eats fast food, she can substitute food prepared at home or some lower-fat, frozen food items such as steamed vegetables or frozen baked or broiled fish. If she is describing a casserole or lasagna dish, she can reduce the amount of butter or full-fat cheese in the recipe. She can also substitute lower-fat items for the full-fat items such as cheeses or creams. She can also replace butter with olive oil or corn oil.

Answer to #3


Answer to #4

They should first examine the Daily Values section of the label to confirm that the percentage of calories from fat is under 25 and the percentage from saturated fat is under 5. They should also look at the ingredients list to check that cheese or creams (sources of saturated fats) are listed further down in the ingredients list. This would suggest that the product is high in pasta or vegetables as opposed to saturated fat sources.

Answer to #5


Answer to #6

Fish oil supplements may provide omega-3 fatty acids at levels that are unsafe. Most fish have a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, but not at such a concentrated level as found in supplements. High levels of omega-3 fatty acids can impair blood clotting, which can lead to dangerous hemorrhages.
Fish oil supplements are produced from the fat under the skin of most fish. This tissue can accumulate high levels of toxic heavy metals such as methylmercury. Most supplements do not undergo rigorous testing since they are not subject to FDA approval. These fish oil supplements could thus contain toxic levels of heavy metals.
She could try flaxseed oil or crushed flaxseed with her food. Flaxseed contains omega-3 fatty acids at safe levels. She can also try eggs that contain omega-3 fatty acids or foods fortified with omega-3s.

Answer to #7


Answer to #8

While LDL and HDL contain proteins, triglycerides, and cholesterol, they do not contain these molecules in the same proportions. LDL contains more lipids while HDL contains an equal proportion of lipids to protein. These composition differences affect the function of these lipoproteins.
LDL molecules carry triglycerides and cholesterol to the body's tissues. LDL can build up in the lining of the blood vessels and are more susceptible to reactions with oxygen (oxidation), which can cause them to induce inflammation in the walls of the blood vessels. It is thought that having a lower level of these LDL molecules will reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
HDL contains a higher proportion of protein relative to triglycerides and cholesterol. HDL functions to remove cholesterol and other lipids from the blood and tissues and return it to the liver for use in the digestive system. Having more of these HDL molecules will reduce the lipids and cholesterol in the blood, which may protect the cardiovascular system.
sun1322 Author
6 years ago
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