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fotonika fotonika
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9 years ago
First I would like to draw attention to 'other side of biology' in which is taken into account not so much the chemicals but its energy function and ability to interact with electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields; in morfogenetics for example:

" Importantly, in a number of cases, it has been shown that the patterning change produced by a specific bioelectric signal (e.g., eye induction, neoplastic transformation, left-right asymmetry generation) is dependent only on the voltage itself, not on the genetic identity of the channel or the chemical species of the ion involved; in most cases, the same downstream effects on cells’ behavior are induced by a given Vmem state regardless of  whether that state was achieved by movement of potassium, sodium, or chloride ions,19,23,26,30,34 or of which ion translocatial change. Because the Vmem of cells can be set by post-translational gating of  ion channels, pumps and gap junctions (not just at the level of gene expression), this is a true epigenetic layer of control (in Waddington’s original sense of the word.) The instructive signal is often borne by the physiological state itself, not the genetic identity of any particular ion channel or pump gene."


or like A. M. Pietak said:

" Whereas the Gene Myth tells us molecules are the main agents in living beings, the amazing correlations between electromagnetic energy patterns and plant tissue patterns shows us energy-based mechanisms like electromagnetic resonance may, in some cases, be the fundamental causes directing the phenomena of life. From this energy-based perspective, genes and molecules are elements responding to the cues of energies. Genes and molecules are still essential and important, but understanding chemical ebbs and flows will not tell us everything there is to know about life. We see that an energy-based view can help us expand our understanding of what’s happening in a living system in a practical and scientific way."


There are also some theories that pose electromagnetic fields (EMFs) as consciousness:


Finally, after this short introduction about the possible importance of EMFs, I would like to show you who do not know, the existence of what has been called Biophotons or Ultraweak Photon Emissions, for what I have written this short introduction to the web that is pointed down:

" Biophotons are electromagnetic emission which occurs intracellularly and between cells, in all kinds of living organisms. They have been discovering and showing staggered throughout history but its study has become more visible for 40 years with the use of photo-multipliers.

Some people place its origin in oxidative chemical reactions that occur in the mitochondria of cells and some people place its origin or at least its modulation in DNA and while those reactions are controlled in some way by the DNA the fact is that the spectrum covered by these biophotonic emissions (ranging from the UV to the near infrared) suggest that well may have two different origins (it has been speculated that UV can be modulated by DNA and near-IR generated in mitochondria).

The characteristics of biophotonic light (besides its low intensity is why what has been slow to discover) are their coherence and similarities in several aspects to the laser light. Have been detected transmission characteristics of some kind of information within and between organisms, and has also been speculated that may be part of consciousness. It is noteworthy that both microtubules in cells and fibers of the extracellular matrix have characteristics that make them optimal for photon transmission."


You can access those documents and more (very related) on:

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