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fairlykyle fairlykyle
Posts: 342
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6 years ago

  What are antacids and how do they neutralize stomach acid?

Q. 2

What did you learn about hemodialysis that surprised you the most?

Q. 3

Now that you understand how the organs in your body work together to utilize the nutrients obtained from food, think back to Marys story about her struggle to stay healthy. Many people think that hemodialysis is a simple, quick procedure, but now you know it can affect almost every aspect of a persons life. How are other organ systems in the body affected by impaired kidney function?

Q. 4

Now that you understand the role of the kidneys, think back to Marys story about her experience with impaired kidney function and hemodialysis. How does impaired kidney function impact a persons health?

Q. 5

Impaired kidney function and hemodialysis treatments affect almost every aspect of a persons lifefrom what that person eats to how long he or she can stay away on vacation. If this were to happen to you, how would it change your daily routines and lifestyle?

Q. 6

Since youve started college, your dietary choices have probably changed. Do you think theyve changed?
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Antacids are medicines that neutralize stomach acid. Although there are a variety of antacids on the market, they commonly contain one or more of the following active ingredients: aluminum hydroxide, calcium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide, and sodium bicarbonate. The alkaline ingredient in the antacid reacts with the acid in the stomach and produces salt and water. Thus, the stomach acid is neutralized.

Answer to #2

  • Without hemodialysis the individual would not survive

  • Changes in dietary nutrient intake (protein, water) are important

  • It is permanent and has side-effects affecting other organs

Answer to #3

The heart can be weakened due to poor blood pressure regulation. The bones can become soft and break due to calcium and phosphorous imbalance from lack of adequate vitamin D. Red blood cell production and hence oxygen circulation is limited, causing early fatigue and lethargy. The central nervous system may be impacted by altered calcium balance.

Answer to #4

Kidneys help maintain our fluid and electrolyte balance; hence, they play a major role in the maintenance of our blood pressure and heart/brain health. Kidneys also filter water-soluble waste products, so if they were not operating normally, for example, nitrogen from breakdown of protein would not get filtered and it would build up to toxic levels. Fluids would also be retained, causing a condition called edema which may possibly lead to a serious health condition known as congestive heart failure. Kidneys synthesize erythropoietin, a hormone that stimulates the bone marrow to create red blood cells, so the individual with impaired kidney function requires more iron due to loss of RBCs or possibly intermittent blood transfusions. In the body, vitamin D is a hormone that aids in the balance of calcium and phosphorus and can only be activated for function by the kidney. If the individual with limited kidney function does not take vitamin D supplements, then effects of poor calcium/phosphorus may arise, such as osteomalacia and osteopenia.

Answer to #5

Hemodialysis requires 2-4 hours of inpatient care at 2-3 day intervals. Time away from daily activities would limit ones ability to carry a full course load or maintain a full-time job, as well as access to social events that would occur during the set time-frame. Finances may be affected not only due to time away but also due to the possible fatigue from treatment. Changes in appetite and composition of meals occur due to limitations of fluid, protein, potassium, and phosphorus intake.

Answer to #6

One research methodology used to discover changes in dietary habits is the 24-hour dietary recall. In the 24-hour recall you are asked to remember all that youve consumed as food and beverages over the last 24-hour period and write the amounts for each. Choose a day during the week to write a 24-hour recall and a day during your weekend to write a 24-hour recall.
fairlykyle Author
6 years ago
I know you spent a lot of time finding this because I swear it wasn't in my textbook
6 years ago
You're partially right, it's found midway in the chapter, but not at all easy to find. Good luck with the rest
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