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faulkeeryb faulkeeryb
Posts: 74
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6 years ago
The givens that are related to existential anxiety include all of the following EXCEPT:
  a. There is no innate purpose in life.
  b. Our life is finite.
  c. We are the creators of our own purpose.
  d. We are mortal.
  e. Only through grace are we able to attain eternal life.

Q. 2

Existentialists view anxiety as
  a. a signal that the ego is faltering in its efforts to control the ids and superegos urges.
  b. a response to perceived threats to existence.
  c. something to avoid through various means including finding a loving partner and having children.
  d. unavoidable and results from the fact that we are going to die.
  e. the result of overdeveloped compensating mechanisms such as denial or projection.

Q. 3

_________________ focuses on the individuals construal of meaning as influenced by people around him or her, and by other people as embodied in the cultural situation of the individual.
  a. Activism
  b. Constructivism
  c. Social constructionism
  d. Internalization
  e. Projection

Q. 4

_________________ focuses on the phenomenology of inner experience and how that defines meaning for any one person.
  a. Activism
  b. Constructivism
  c. Social constructionism
  d. Internalization
  e. Projection

Q. 5

Two postmodern perspectives on human psychology are ______________ and ___________________
  a. constructivism; social constructionism
  b. existentialism; humanism
  c. psychoanalysis; behaviorism
  d. subjectivism; objectivism
  e. partitioning; diagnosis

Q. 6

_____________________________ _ disavow Rogers belief in the existence of a single authentic person within each of us.
  a. Creationists
  b. Existentialists
  c. Psychoanalysts
  d. Postmodernists
  e. Humanists

Q. 7

What is the most marked difference between an existential approach and other counseling approaches?
  a. Those who use the existential approach need no special training.
  b. Existentialists are not concerned with the client-counselor relationship.
  c. Once a client completes therapy with an existential therapist, that therapist chooses not to work with them again.
  d. Existential therapists work only with clients who are struggling with issues that the therapist has personally experienced in their existence.
  e. Existential counselors do not purposefully acquire a life history from each client.
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6 years ago
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faulkeeryb Author
6 years ago
Makes more sense now, TY
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