What fact is discussed frequently in rehabilitation literature pertaining to a client's adjustment to physical trauma?
a. Psychological denial of a disability
b. Shock
c. Motivation to seek retraining and employment
d. Depression
Q. 2Students who act as peer facilitators benefit from their participation by:
A. improving their grades.
B. meeting community service obligations.
C. building skills in problem-solving.
D. meeting academic requirements for college entrance.
Q. 3The ADA identifies individuals with disabilities as follows:
a. an individual who has a record of a physical or mental impairment or is regarded as having such an impairment.
b. an individual with a disability is a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities..
c. an individual who thinks he or she might have an impairment.
d. both A and B.
Q. 4Which program depends highly on positive interdependence?
A. Peer cluster theory
B. Peer facilitation
C. Cross-age tutors
D. Cooperative learning
Q. 5The terms used to describe people with disabilities have been changed to negate stereotypes and false ideas. The following include examples of preferred descriptions, with one exception. Which is the exception?
a. It is preferable to say has a hearing impairment rather than is deaf-mute
b. It is preferable to say persons who are mentally challenged rather than the mentally retarded
c. It is preferable to say Joe is a confined to a wheelchair rather than Joe is a wheelchair user
d. It is preferable to say people with disabilities rather than the disabled
Q. 6A problem solving process that enables individuals to resolve disputes that are troublesome is called:
A. effective dispute management.
B. self-regulation theory.
C. problem-solving management.
D. mediation.