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Tiffhazz Tiffhazz
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6 years ago
The children in an African-American family attended college because their mother worked two jobs as they were growing up. She never finished high school, the children are grown, and she lives alone in retirement.
  Which noted weakness of sociological theories on aging explains why the social exchange theory is not applicable to this older adult? a. Gender c. Ethnicity
  b. Culture d. Opportunity

Question 2

During a nursing assessment, an older adult tells the nurse about increasing loss of balance. Which patient teaching should the nurse implement to address musculoskeletal reasons for the loss of balance?
  a. Exercise with light weights
  b. Stand on one foot at a time
  c. Train with the use of sit-ups
  d. Work out in a swimming pool

Question 3

The nurse notices that an older female nursing home resident is not eating and that her heart rate is faster than usual. Which should the nurse do to determine if pneumonia is a potential cause of the change in her status?
  a. Obtain a specimen for aerobic blood cul-tures.
  b. Promptly send the resident for a chest x-ray examination.
  c. Analyze sputum for color, texture, and volume.
  d. Compare tympanic temperature to the baseline.

Question 4

Which role is most likely to have a significant effect on the type of aging process experienced by the older adult?
  a. Grandparent c. Friend
  b. Spouse d. Parent

Question 5

Which statement is not true about cardiopulmonary disease in older adults?
  a. Falling and apparent confusion on the part of an elder can be signs of heart failure or of pneumonia.
  b. Chest radiographs are a reliable indicator of whether pneumonia is present in an older patient.
  c. Persons older than 65 years should receive Pneumovax once.
  d. Mouth hygiene is essential to the prevention and treatment of pneumonia.

Question 6

An older female adult who has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) wants to perform self-care activities. Which instruction should the nurse include in patient teaching to help her achieve the goal?
  a. Bathe and eat slowly, with periodic rest.
  b. Walk short distances without oxygen.
  c. Perform all activities of daily living (ADLs) together, and then rest.
  d. Bathe right after eating and then rest.

Question 7

Which of the following statements is true about social and emotional health of older adults?
  a. Contemporary society has strong norms for the behavior of adults older than 80 years.
  b. The transition to old age entails a declin-ing level of contribution to others as one becomes increasingly dependent on them.
  c. Computers and the Internet have little to contribute to older adults in their need for social support.
  d. Nurses are often significant sources of social and emotional support for older adults.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Social exchange theory ignores the effect that opportunity can have on aging because, according to this theory, the mother should be living with one of the children. They had the opportunities that she never had. Gender is not as relevant to this theory of the value of youth as being a period where social credits are earned for old age. Culture is not as relevant to this theory as the value of youth. Ethnicity is not as relevant to this theory as the value of youth.

Answer to #2


A Incorrect. Lifting weights helps to increase muscle strength.
B Correct. Loss of balance from a musculoskeletal perspective is usually due to loss of core muscle strength, thus the nurse suggests standing on one foot at a time, while holding onto a chair-back if necessary, and working to increase the duration of the exercise.
C Incorrect. Sit-ups are contraindicated for older adults because they put tre-mendous amounts of stress on the lumbar spine.
D Incorrect. Low-impact aerobic exercise helps to improve conditioning and en-durance.

Answer to #3

Sputum cultures are indicated to assess a resident for pneumonia. Sputum is a sensitive and spe-cific clinical indicator of pneumonia for older adults in nursing homes. If pneumonia is causing this resident's anorexia and tachycardia, then her sputum should be cloudy, colored, and thick, especially if the resident is dehydrated, which indicates an infection.
Blood cultures are likely to show no growth unless the resident has severe sepsis. A chest x-ray study is a nonsensitive, nonspecific diagnostic tool for determining the presence of pneu-monia in an older adult. Fever can be a late indicator of infection for an older adult.

Answer to #4

The loss of a spouse is likely to be devastating for an older adult for economic and biopsychoso-cial reasons. When an older adult loses a spouse, the loss can include economic security, espe-cially for a woman, and societal roles. Alterations in these roles are not usually as challenging as the loss of a spouse. Grandparenting can offer the potential for enhanced social experiences for an older adult; however, adults can age well without them when more basic needs are met. Alte-rations in these roles are not always as acutely demanding as the loss of a spouse. Alterations in these roles usually call for little or a gradual adjustment.

Answer to #5


A Incorrect. This statement is true. Falling and confusion are potential clinical in-dicators of heart failure, pneumonia, and many other conditions.
B Correct. This statement is not true. For a debilitated person at the beginning of the course of infection or in dehydration, the chest x-ray study is often falsely negative.
C Incorrect. This is a true statement. Pneumovax is a 1-time vaccine against the pneumococcus bacterium.
D Incorrect. This is a true statement. Bacteria from the mouth can migrate into the lower respiratory tract and cause infection.

Answer to #6


A Correct. A person with COPD can perform self-care tasks if allowed plenty of time for them as well as breaks for rest.
B Incorrect. The patient can potentially benefit more from longer periods of exer-cise supplemented with oxygen than from short excursions without oxygen.
C Incorrect. A plan to rest in the future after the job is done does not compensate for deprivation of rest when she needs it.
D Incorrect. A plan to rest in the future after the job is done does not compensate for deprivation of rest when she needs it.

Answer to #7

Nurses are often important confidants and providers of social support in the lives of older adults. The diversity of cultures and individuals in a society such as the United States means that norms are almost nonexistent for those older than 80 years. Older adults have a great deal to contribute in wisdom and by example. E-mail and online chat rooms are a means of contact and social sup-port for many older adults.
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