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husan husan
Posts: 352
Rep: 2 0
6 years ago
Which statement concerning stressors and stress is accurate?
  a. Stressors are external events; stress is an internal reaction to such events.
 b. Stress is a chronic condition; stressors are only temporary.
 c. Stressors are internal reactions such as increased heartbeat; stress is an external condition.
  d. Stress and stressor are two different words that have the same meaning.

Question 2

Imagine that you are a physician and your patient is a Hmong immigrant who has just arrived in the United States. The patient, through a translator, tells you that spirits come into his room while he sleeps and make it hard for him to breathe. He wakes up screaming. Considering reports from other Hmong immigrants, you should ____.
  a. reassure the patient that there is nothing to worry about and that symptoms will disappear on their own
  b. assume the patient suffers from a psychotic mental condition
 c. treat the person for anxiety disorder
 d. be concerned that the patient's psychological stress can lead to sudden death

Question 3

Which of the following is not a recognized characteristic of psychophysiological disorders?
  a. actual tissue damage
 b. disease process
 c. physical dysfunction
 d. feelings of depression or anxiety

Question 4

Which individual has a psychophysiological disorder?
  a. Carla, who complains of a loss of feeling but shows no signs of a medical condition to account for it
  b. Wendy, who was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder
 c. Brenda, whose migraine headaches began several days after a stressful life event
 d. Hallie, whose medical condition is genetic

Question 5

Professor McLeod says, Psychological factors can influence physical processes by producing physiological changes in the immune system. For hundreds of years, health care professionals have understood this connection between psychological and physical factors. However, psychological conditions cannot influence neural and biological systems. Additionally, a person's beliefs about the causes, symptoms, duration, and curability of a disease do not affect that person's willingness to seek treatment and follow through with it. Which part of Professor McLeod's statement is accurate?
  a. Psychological factors can influence physical processes by producing physiological changes in the immune system.
  b. For hundreds of years, health care professionals have understood this connection between psychological and physical factors.
  c. Psychological conditions cannot influence neural and biological systems.
 d. A person's beliefs about the causes, symptoms, duration, and curability of a disease do not affect that person's willingness to seek treatment and follow through with it.
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