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gthdf gthdf
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6 years ago
Describe the symptoms, causes, and treatment of panic disorder and the three categories of panic attack.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 2

Why is anxiety termed a future-oriented mood state and fear an alarm reaction to actual present danger? Discuss biological and psychological similarities and differences between these emotional events. Explore the idea that fear is panic that occurs in an inappropriate setting.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 3

Which type of compulsion has the highest prevalence rate?
  a. Symmetry
 b. Cleaning and contamination
 c. Hoarding
 d. Forbidden thoughts or actions

Question 4

As a last resort, both a psychiatrist and a neurosurgeon have suggested to Ms. Z that a psychosurgical procedure called a cingulotomy might relieve her severe OCD symptoms. Ms. Z asks what the success rate has been for this operation. She is told that approximately ________ percent of patients benefited substantially.
  a. 3
 b. 13
  c. 30
  d. 53

Question 5

Mr. J suffers from a severe case of obsessive-compulsive disorder. His symptoms have not responded to either medication or psychological therapies. As a last resort, his therapist suggests the possibility of a psychosurgical procedure, specifically an operation called
  a. lobotomy.
 b. lobectomy.
 c. cingulotomy.
 d. cingulectomy.

Question 6

According the textbook, treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder have included all of the following EXCEPT
  a. medication.
 b. exposure and response prevention.
  c. psychosurgery.
 d. Electro-shock therapy.

Question 7

Research studies have shown that combining exposure and response prevention with medication when treating patients with OCD
  a. is better than drug treatment alone.
 b. is better than exposure and response prevention alone.
  c. causes patients to discontinue treatment.
 d. does not produce any additional therapeutic advantage.

Question 8

Research studies have shown that the therapeutic benefits of medication for OCD
  a. are permanent.
 b. are reduced when the medication is discontinued.
  c. continue even when the drug is discontinued.
 d. are no more effective than a placebo.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Panic disorder is characterized by the abrupt experience of intense fear or acute discomfort, accompanied by physical symptoms that usually include heart palpitations, chest pain, shortness of breath, and possibly dizziness.

The three categories of panic attacks:
--Situationally bound (attack is cued by a particular setting or situation)
--Unexpected (no clear cue or trigger for the attack)
--Situationally predisposed (cues may, but don't inevitably, cause an attack)

Answer to #2

Anxiety is a future-oriented state characterized by negative affect in which a person focuses on the possibility of uncontrollable danger or misfortune; in contrast, fear is a present-oriented state characterized by strong escapist tendencies and a surge in the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system in response to current danger.
is a negative mood state characterized by bodily symptoms of physical tension and by apprehension about the future. In humans, it can be a subjective sense of unease, a set of behaviors (looking worried and anxious or fidgeting), or a physiological response originating in the brain and reflected in elevated heart rate and muscle tension.
Fear, on the other hand, is an immediate emotional reaction to current danger characterized by strong escapist action tendencies and, often, a surge in the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system. Fear sometimes occurs when you experience an alarm response when there is nothing to be afraid ofthat is, you have a false alarm. This is known as panic.
There is much evidence that fear and anxiety reactions differ psychologically and physiologically. As noted earlier, anxiety is a future-oriented mood state, characterized by apprehension because we cannot predict or control upcoming events. Fear, on the other hand, is an immediate emotional reaction to current danger characterized by strong escapist action tendencies and, often, a surge in the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system.

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