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johnkirk22 johnkirk22
Posts: 369
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6 years ago
All of the following are tests to determine fair use except
 A) nature of the copyrighted work.
 B) notoriety of author.
 C) amount of material copied.
 D) effect of the use on the potential market.

Ques. 2

Which of the following is the best advice about the use of direct quotations in a report?
 A) Beware of overusing quotations because you may appear as if you have no ideas of your own.
 B) If you use a direct quotation, don't dilute its impact by summarizing it or introducing it in your own words.
 C) Place the direct quotation in quotation marks, but change a few words to show you have your own ideas.
 D) Avoid using any direct quotations in a report.

Ques. 3

Which of the following is not a purpose for a direct quotation?
 A) To duplicate exact wording before criticizing an idea
 B) To repeat identical phrasing because of its precise wording
 C) To add length to a researched document
 D) To provide objective background information

Ques. 4

Paraphrasing is
 A) restating an original passage in your own words.
 B) repeating the grammatical structure of the original passage.
 C) replacing original words with appropriate synonyms.
 D) indicating the source of the original work.

Ques. 5

Which of the following statements would need to be documented in a report?
 A) Tornadoes caused extensive loss of property and lives in Missouri.
 B) You can get an idea of how dangerous a tornado is by its rating.
 C) Damaging winds, common in strong tornadoes, caused problems for the residents of Missouri.
 D) The Fujita-Pearson tornado scale rates tornadoes with wind speeds of 261 to 318 miles per hour as F5 storms.
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