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RObbiespigs RObbiespigs
Posts: 386
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6 years ago
What is a rhetorical question? How can you use it in a persuasive message? What are some concerns about using it?

Ques. 2

Possessive nouns can show all of the following except ______.
 A) origin
 B) active voice
 C) ownership
 D) authorship

Ques. 3

Explain when the direct organizational plan is used for persuasive messages.

Ques. 4

Which sentence is correct?
 A) Following the stock market crash, investors struggled with the ins and outs of successful investment.
 B) Following the stock market crash, investor's struggled with the ins and outs of successful investment.
 C) Following the stock market crash, investor's struggled with the in's and out's of successful investment.

Ques. 5

Discuss writer credibility for persuasive messages. Mention where credibility comes from and levels of credibility for different audiences.

Ques. 6

Which of the following is correct?
 A) The litigation was initiated by two attorneys specializing in criminal law.
 B) You will need sharp knives to peel and cut those fresh potatos.
 C) Many people hold different believes about the future of our country.

Ques. 7

Why is audience analysis so critical when you are planning a persuasive request?

Ques. 8

Several ____ attended the seminar on the impact of new tax regulations on small businesses.
 A) CPAs
 B) CPA's
 C) CPAs'
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