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CarlosSerr213 CarlosSerr213
Posts: 354
Rep: 0 0
6 years ago
Patricia has just been offered a full-time position over the phone and has decided that the position isn't right for her. What should she do?
 A) Say that she will be back in touch and then do nothing because the employer will figure out soon enough that she isn't going to accept the position.
  B) Accept the position anyway to ensure that she'll have a back-up plan in case no other offers come in.
  C) Say no on the phone immediately to save the employer time.
  D) Thank the employer verbally for the offer and then write a letter reiterating her thanks and briefly explaining that she is turning it down.

Ques. 2

Blogs use far more text than websites and typically allow for customer comments.
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Ques. 3

Max has just accepted a full-time position over the phone. What is the best thing for him to do now?
 A) Do nothing until he shows up the first day of work.
  B) Write a job acceptance letter to confirm the details and formalize the acceptance.
  C) Thank his employer on social media.
  D) Visit the office several days before his official start date to show his eagerness.

Ques. 4

If you are confident in your writing skills, the drafting stage of the business writing process is not essential and can be skipped to save time.
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Ques. 5

If you didn't get a position that you really wanted, what should you do?
 A) Send a rejection follow-up letter that says you're disappointed but still interested.
  B) Post on social media that you're holding out for a job with that company.
  C) Do nothing because contacting the employer again will make you appear unprofessional.
  D) Call the employer once or twice a week for the next few months to see if a position is available.

Ques. 6

Editing to identify grammar errors should precede revising for content and style.
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Answer verified by a subject expert
Posts: 226
Rep: 2 0
6 years ago
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