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Rye Rye
Posts: 348
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6 years ago
According to a UNESCO report of employer views, _____ are hard skills that are essential for workers in today's business climate.
 A) technical skills
  B) communication skills
  C) entrepreneurial abilities
  D) social sensitivities

Ques. 2

Which of the following is a similarity in e-mail messages and memos?
 A) Both usually carry sensitive information.
  B) Both are used only for internal messages.
  C) Both generally close with action information, a summary of the message, or a closing thought.
  D) All of these are similarities in e-mail messages and memos.

Ques. 3

Gabrielle has to attend an interview for a sales position. Which of the following would help her make a favorable first impression in the interview?
 A) Siting erect and leaning forward slightly to express interest
  B) Using the interviewer's first name to convey friendliness
  C) Expanding her answers if the interviewer's eyes are glazing over
  D) Sitting back and relaxing to appear in control of the situation

Ques. 4

Memos are necessary for important internal messages that ________.
 A) are too long for e-mail
  B) demand formality
  C) inform employees who don't may not have access to e-mail
  D) meet all of these criteria

Ques. 5

Which of the following is a recommended behavior in a job interview?
 A) Emphasizing a rising intonation at the end of sentences
  B) Using the interviewer's surname unless specifically invited to do otherwise
  C) Expanding your answer if the interviewer's eyes are glazing over
  D) Applying a timid handshake to avoid seeming overbearing
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6 years ago
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