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thehappymedic thehappymedic
Posts: 366
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6 years ago
In some circumstances, placing a refusal in the first sentence is justified.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 2

Since the main message of a negative-news message is the bad news, more space should be devoted to the refusal than to the explanations for the refusal.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 3

By placing bad news in the first paragraph, receiver support is more likely than when it is presented after giving reasons.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 4

In some circumstances, sharing bad news via email rather than face-to-face is justified.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 5

Extension of Credit to InfoSearch You have received a request for credit from a company called InfoSearch for online databases available from your company. You are a vendor for information databases, and subscribers to your services may contract for 12-month access to this information. You offer various service packages that provide access to specific databases. InfoSearch wants the Standard Package which allows access to a selection of your company's available databases. The extension of credit will allow InfoSearch to order additional levels of service as needed and pay for them on a monthly basis. Required: Send a letter, stating that credit is granted, to Olena Androgenski at InfoSearch.

Ques. 6

Crafting an Effective Claim Request Analyze the following routine claim letter and make needed revisions. Dear Mr. Ortiz: Eight months ago, I purchased the Wireless-G Broadband Router (2.4 GHz), Model No. WRT54G, from your company. After only eight months of use, it no longer works. It quit working while I was in the middle of a huge project, and the delay cost me hundreds of dollars. Since this product came with a year warranty, I am upset that it quit working after less than a year. It must be defective. I have the receipt for purchase and want a replacement immediately. The router problem has already cost me time and money. If I don't receive a replacement or refund immediately, I will not buy your products in the future. Please send a replacement router via express delivery to the address on this letterhead. Thank you.

Ques. 7

Customer Requests Information for Returning Product The customer service department of Software Solutions received a letter from Latif Ahmed stating that he placed an order for the AccTabs accounting software and instead received a software package entitled ThirdWave. He would like to receive a UPS account number to use when returning the product so that he will not have to pay the shipping, as well as instructions for packaging and labeling the returned product. Required: Write an e-mail message as the customer service manager of Software Solutions responding to Mr. Ahmed's requests. Include an appropriate subject line and message body in your solution.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1


Answer to #2


Answer to #3


Answer to #4


Answer to #5

The body of the message should be written deductively, beginning with the extension of credit and the reason for the credit approval.

Introduce the credit terms for the annual subscription to the Premier Package. Present resale to remind InfoSearch of the wealth of information available through your online databases. Include a positive statement of a new database that will soon be available to subscribers to the Premier Package.

End the letter with a positive, forward-looking idea of an on-going business relationship.

A proposed solution follows:

Dear Ms. Androgenski:

We're pleased to welcome you as a new subscriber to our Standard Package, one of the best bargains in functional collections of research databases available today. Our databases offer current information from thousands of quality sources that cover every topic imaginable. In fact, we're ranked among the top database vendors for comprehensive information and quality service.

The subscription to the Standard Package will be effective immediately to your company. Because of the excellent credit rating for InfoSearch, we'll start your service today, with monthly billing sent electronically at the start of next month. Simply submit payment within ten days after billing to avoid late fees. You may add additional services as needed. Should you choose to cancel your annual subscription, please notify us within 30 days of the expiration date. We will continue your subscription next year unless notified. It's as simple as that No hassle with annual renewals. You'll get uninterrupted service from an excellent provider.

Next month, we'll be adding two new databases to our Standard Package. As a new subscriber, you can automatically take advantage of these. You'll always get the best information available because we make it our daily job to stay on top of current electronic sources. You'll benefit by this as we regularly add new databases to our Standard Package services.

Our customer service representatives are available 24/7 to answer your questions. After all, providing and accessing information is our number one goal. We're here when customers need us. Enjoy your new subscription today, and call if you need us.

Answer to #6

Revise the letter using a positive tone that assumes the router will be replaced since it is still under warranty.

Place the request for replacement in the first sentence. Provide an explanation of the problem with the router. Explain that it is still under warranty.

Avoid using a writer-centered, demanding tone. Assume that the request will receive appropriate action.

End on a positive note, thanking the reader for quickly shipping the replacement.

A proposed solution follows:

Dear Mr. Ortiz:

Please send me a replacement for the Wireless-G Broadband Router (2.4 GHz) Model No. WRT54G that I purchased eight months ago. The product, which came with a one-year warranty, apparently is defective.

A copy of my receipt in enclosed. Please ship the replacement router this week to the address listed at the top of this letterhead. I would appreciate express delivery. I am currently facing several work-related deadlines and need a router as soon as possible to complete my projects.

Because your company is ranked high for quality products and excellent customer service, I anticipate that my request will be processed as quickly as possible. I'm hoping to use the new router next week, if not sooner.


Answer to #7

The subject line should be descriptive of the situation (example: UPS Instructions for Returned Merchandise).

The body of the message should be written deductively, beginning with the statement that the company is glad to assist with the UPS return of the unordered merchandise. A bulleted list of instructions should follow, including the account information needed for the return. Action verbs should be used.

A positive statement about a new software title that is about to be released or other related products should be included.

The message should end with a positive, forward-looking idea.

A complimentary close such as sincerely or thank-you should be followed by your name and signature file information.
thehappymedic Author
6 years ago
Exactly what I needed for my quiz Smiling Face with Open Mouth
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