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RObbiespigs RObbiespigs
Posts: 386
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6 years ago
Tweets are limited to 140 characters or less. Why do experts feel tweets should be even shorter?
  A) Shorter tweets allow the user to send out several tweets in a row to tell a story.
  B) Shorter tweets aid in the ability to retweet the message.
  C) Users have a short attention span and won't read a tweet of 100 or more words.
  D) Twitter will automatically change links to a length of 22 characters.
  E) Shorter tweets allow the use of more visual aids and emoticons.

Ques. 2

How can an organization show users and fans that the organization values the users input?
  A) By hiding outdated posts
  B) By putting the most important information within the first 90 characters of the post
  C) By creating strong visual content
  D) By posting new content daily
  E) By asking questions and responding to fans in a timely fashion

Ques. 3

What is the key to being seen on Facebook?
  A) A welcoming home page
  B) Interactivity
  C) Frequent newsfeeds
  D) Utilization of algorithms for postings
  E) Increased numbers of likes and fans

Ques. 4

What can be done to make Facebook posts most effective?
  A) Post on Mondays or Tuesdays between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
  B) Keep video, posts, and photos familiar and consistent
  C) Posts about product lines as often as possible
  D) Keep posts to less than 40 characters
  E) Put the most important information at the end of the post

Ques. 5

When utilizing Facebook, how can businesses utilize a soft sell for merchandise?
  A) By taking advantage of social media primetime
  B) By diversifying content
  C) By posting daily, but not excessively
  D) By being visual
  E) By keeping important posts in front of the audience

Ques. 6

When using Facebook, how many fans of an organization actually see what is being posted on the site?
  A) Less than ten percent
  B) Less than one third
  C) Half
  D) More than half
  E) Most
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3 Replies

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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Answer: B
Explanation: B) The fewer characters you use, the easier it is for your followers to retweet the message, especially if they prefer to use the classic method of retweeting, which is to add RT and senders-username to the beginning of a retweeted message. If you leave sufficient space, the users may even add their own blurb or endorsement to your tweet when they retweet it to their followers.

Answer to #2

Answer: E
Explanation: E) By asking questions and responding to them in a timely fashion, you also show users that you value their input, making them feel like respected contributors rather than faceless fans.

Answer to #3

Answer: B
Explanation: B) Although numerous factors determine whether your post appears on someone's page, one key element is interactivity: the more a visitor interacts with your Facebook page, the more noticeable your posted material will be in the fan's newsfeed.

Answer to #4

Answer: D

Answer to #5

Answer: C
Explanation: C) Clara Shih, author of The Facebook Era: Tapping Online Social Networks to Market, Sell, and Innovate, advises businesses to go for a soft sell, referring to their own merchandise, for example, no more than once a day.

Answer to #6

Answer: A
Explanation: A) Surprisingly, very few fans actually see the Facebook posts of the businesses that they follow. In fact, one study indicates that fewer than 7.5 percent of fans see a particular post.
RObbiespigs Author
6 years ago
All correct!
6 years ago
Happy to help
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