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Savloaiza Savloaiza
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6 years ago
Identify the writing style that should be used when composing a rsum, and discuss ways to implement this writing style.
  What will be an ideal response?c

Ques. 2

Your email address should be personalized and be an extension of your personality.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

Ques. 3

Discuss important points to remember when planning to write a rsum.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 4

The Work Experience section of the rsum should include generic responsibilities of the job and volunteer work.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

Ques. 5

Employers generally look positively on applicants who are active and concerned members of the community.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

Ques. 6

Your Grade Point Average (GPA) does not have to be included on the rsum, or you can include just the GPA in your major field of study.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.c

Ques. 7

A Social Security number should always be included on a rsum.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Answer: Write your rsum using a simple and direct style. Use short, crisp phrases instead of whole sentences and focus on what your reader needs to know. Avoid using the word I, which can sound both self-involved and repetitious by the time you outline all your skills and accomplishments. Instead, start your phrases with strong action verbs. Providing specific supporting evidence is vital, but make sure you don't go overboard with small details. Carefully select the most compelling evidence so that your message clear and immediate. The majority of rsums are now subjected to keyword searches in an applicant tracking system or other database, in which a recruiter searches for rsums most likely to match the requirements of a particular job. Rsums that don't match the requirements closely may never be seen by a human reader, so it is essential to use the words and phrases that a recruiter is most likely to search on.

Answer to #2

Answer: FALSE
Explanation: If your personal email address is anything like m class=bbc_email>precious.princesssomething.co m or PsychoDawgsomething.com, get a new email address for your business correspondence.

Answer to #3

Answer: First, the rsum should be honest. Estimates vary, but one comprehensive study uncovered lies about work history in more than 40 percent of the rsums tested. More than 90 percent of companies that find lies on rsums refuse to hire the offending applicants, even if that means withdrawing formal job offers. Second, the rsum should be adapted to the needs of the audience. The importance of adapting your rsum to your target readers' needs and interests cannot be overstated. In a competitive job market, the more you look like a good fita quality hirethe better your chances of securing interviews. Address your readers' business concerns by showing how your capabilities meet the demands and expectations of the position and the organization as a whole. An essential step in adapting your rsum is using the same terminology as the employer uses to describe job responsibilities and professional accomplishments. If you are applying for business positions after military service or moving from one industry to another, you may need to translate your experience into the language of your target employers.

Answer to #4

Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Like the education section, the work experience section should focus on your overall theme in a way that shows how your past can contribute to an employer's future. Use keywords to call attention to the skills you've developed on the job and to your ability to handle responsibility. Emphasize what you accomplished in each position, not just the generic responsibilities of the job.

Answer to #5

Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Because many employers are involved in their local communities, they tend to look positively on applicants who are active and concerned members of their communities as well. Consider including community service activities that suggest leadership, teamwork, communication skills, technical aptitude, or other valuable attributes.

Answer to #6

Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Whether you list your grade point average depends on the job you want and the quality of your grades. If you don't show your GPA on your rsumand there's no rule saying you have tobe prepared to answer questions about it during the interview process because many employers will assume that your GPA is not spectacular if you didn't list it on your rsum.

Answer to #7

Answer: FALSE
Explanation: When applying to U.S. companies, never include any of the following: physical characteristics, age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, religious or political affiliations, race, national origin, salary history, reasons for leaving jobs, names of previous supervisors, names of references, Social Security number, or student ID number.
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