One of the best ways to organize, reposition, and delete slides while checking for design consistency is with the use of
A) slide deck.
B) hyperlink.
C) slide sorter view.
D) slide builds.
E) slide transitions.
Ques. 2Rehearsing your presentation will
A) help you check your voice, timing, phrasing, and equipment.
B) increase your need for text slides.
C) most likely ruin your ability to make an impromptu presentation.
D) rob you of the confidence you need.
E) waste valuable time, since most presentations are delivered in person.
Ques. 3When checking the location of your presentation in advance, you shouldc
A) not worry about seating arrangementsthey have no effect on how you deliver your remarks.
B) always request a whiteboard, even if you aren't sure you will need it.
C) think carefully about the seating of the audience.
D) trust that the technology you need will be available and working.
E) make sure the lights dim to discourage audience interaction.
Ques. 4Speaking from notes or an outline is often effective because
A) you can look at the notes instead of at your audience.
B) you can maintain a natural speaking flow.
C) it reduces the likelihood that you will improvise.
D) it enables you to read the presentation word-for-word.
E) it takes far less time to prepare than writing out the entire presentation.
Ques. 5The most effective and easiest mode of delivering presentations in nearly all situations is
A) memorization.
B) reading from a prepared script.
C) speaking from an outline or notes.
D) impromptu speaking.
E) from a seated position.
Ques. 6Don't try to memorize a presentation because
A) you should be using a fully written script.
B) you'll probably sound stilted when you deliver the message.
C) it increases the necessity for improvising when you forget a line.
D) you will have to increase your eye contact with the audience.
E) audiences prefer to be read to rather than talked at.
Ques. 7Delivering your presentation by reading it word-for-word is a good idea whenc
A) your presentation is very lengthy.
B) you're covering policy statements or legal documents that must be presented verbatim.
C) the presentation is humorous.
D) the audience is hostile.
E) you are nervous.
Ques. 8Which of the following would be an appropriate handout to accompany an oral presentation?
A) an interesting but unrelated news article
B) copies of detailed charts and graphs
C) a photo of you, with a caption listing all of your qualifications
D) a copy of the presentation text
E) copies of all slides